Geeks Ocean


Aman Tiwari
Aman Tiwari
Apr 11, 2024
Embracing Nature's Bounty: Exploring the Benefits of Organic Products
Embracing Nature's Bounty: Exploring the Benefits of Organic Products

In a world where sustainability and wellness are increasingly prioritized, the allure of organic products has never been stronger. From nourishing our bodies ...

Geetika Anand
Geetika Anand
Sep 05, 2020
How To Start A Tech Company ?
How To Start A Tech Company ?


Starting a tech company is not a simple task. It requires a lot of planning and decision-making. So, here are some tips for starting a tech ...

Yashita Gupta
Yashita Gupta
Sep 21, 2020
Steps To Design Your First Website
Steps To Design Your First Website

Designing your website is a very tedious yet important task to start on your business. Website design and development is a crucial stage of your company and it should reflect what your brand is all about. Small business website design is dependent on all they have to offer. Especially homepage design should be ...

Aman Tiwari
Aman Tiwari
Aug 09, 2023
Mastering TikTok: Strategies to Boost Reach and Maximize Revenue
Mastering TikTok: Strategies to Boost Reach and Maximize Revenue

Improving TikTok's reach and increasing revenue involves a combination of content strategies, audience engagement, and monetization methods.

Jun 27, 2023
5 Proven Tips for Choosing the Right Skip Size
5 Proven Tips for Choosing the Right Skip Size

Do you find yourself surrounded by piles of waste with no idea which skip size can

handle the job? The key to successful waste removal lies in choosing ...

Aman Tiwari
Aman Tiwari
May 24, 2023
How to Use Linux Web Hosting: A Comprehensive Guide
How to Use Linux Web Hosting: A Comprehensive Guide


Linux web hosting is a popular choice for businesses and individuals looking for a reliable and flexible hosting solution. With its stability, security, and extensive range of features, Linux web hosting provides a solid foundation for hosting websites, applications, and other online ...

Aman Tiwari
Aman Tiwari
May 12, 2023
Why You Should Build your Data Warehouse in the Cloud
Why You Should Build your Data Warehouse in the Cloud

In today's data-driven world, organizations are facing an overwhelming amount of data. Data warehousing is essential for managing and processing this data, ...

Stuti Jain
Stuti Jain
Sep 29, 2020
Top 5 cyber threats, one solution - CYBER SECURITY.
Top 5 cyber threats, one solution - CYBER SECURITY.

CYBER SECURITY - care to be aware

What are cyber threats? How it causes damage to us.?

Aman Tiwari
Aman Tiwari
Apr 22, 2023
Web Scraping vs Web Crawling - Use Cases and Differences
Web Scraping vs Web Crawling - Use Cases and Differences

Web scraping and web crawling are two techniques used in data extraction from the internet. While they may seem similar, they are actually different processes with distinct use cases. Unlock the power of web data with

Geetika Anand
Geetika Anand
Sep 11, 2020
The Best Web Hosting Providers
The Best Web Hosting Providers


Web hosting service is a kind of service that allows companies to post their website on the internet. Through this service, web pages or websites are seen on the internet. There ...

Aman Tiwari
Aman Tiwari
Apr 10, 2023
Unleashing the Power of Zendrop - An In-Depth Review of the Best Customer-First Dropshipping Platform
Unleashing the Power of Zendrop - An In-Depth Review of the Best Customer-First Dropshipping Platform

Dropshipping has emerged as a popular way to start an online business as it allows entrepreneurs to sell products without having to manage inventory or worry about shipping. However, finding the right platform to manage your dropshipping business can be a daunting task. In this Zendrop review, we will evaluate the ...

Aman Tiwari
Aman Tiwari
Apr 05, 2023
Explore the Future of Cybersecurity User Experience
Explore the Future of Cybersecurity User Experience

As our world becomes increasingly digital, cybersecurity has become a critical concern for individuals and organizations alike. Cyberattacks are becoming ...

Aman Tiwari
Aman Tiwari
Mar 24, 2023
How To Rank a Website On Google Search Engine
How To Rank a Website On Google Search Engine

In today's digital age, having a website is essential for businesses to reach their target audience. However, just having a website is not enough; it also ...

Geetika Anand
Geetika Anand
Sep 01, 2020
Why You Should Learn Digital Marketing ?
Why You Should Learn Digital Marketing ?

As you all know, there is a drastic increase of internet users nowadays. This calls for a need of “Digital Marketing”. Let us know what exactly is digital marketing. So, digital marketing accounts of all the efforts of marketing using internet and an electronic device like a ...

Dikshant Gautam
Dikshant Gautam
Jan 14, 2023
5 Proven Strategies to Increase Traffic on Your Website
5 Proven Strategies to Increase Traffic on Your Website

A website is a crucial tool for any business, but if it's not getting enough traffic, it's not doing its job. Whether you're a small startup or a large ...

Aman Tiwari
Aman Tiwari
Jan 14, 2023
How to Set Out Of Office Status On Microsoft Teams ?
How to Set Out Of Office Status On Microsoft Teams ?

Microsoft Teams is a powerful collaboration tool that allows you to communicate and work together with your team members. One of the useful features of Microsoft Teams is the ability to set an out-of-office status, which lets your colleagues know when you're not available and when they can expect a response from ...

Khushi Kanchan
Khushi Kanchan
Nov 09, 2020
Computer- Based Development in the Education System
Computer- Based Development in the Education System

In this generation, technology has led the world towards immense growth and made our day-to-day work easier. The most important resource for the development of our world is the human resource. The generation of the most powerful human resource in ...

Kanishka Gulati
Kanishka Gulati
Oct 22, 2020
Covid-19 On Technology: The Changes In Trends
Covid-19 On Technology: The Changes In Trends

Technology cannot be avoided anywhere, whether it is the onset of a pandemic. From past few months, Covid-19 has impacted effectively in all the sectors and trends either personal or professional. But during this time of uncertainty, the technology has proved itself to be that lifeline ...

Yashita Gupta
Yashita Gupta
Sep 03, 2020
How To Get Hired As a Graphic Designer
How To Get Hired As a Graphic Designer

Graphic Designing is a competitive field where every individual needs to be competitive and updated with the graphic design jobs and freelancing. There is a huge career growth in terms of designing and for that one needs to be skilled in practical knowledge and software skills. People often ask How to start a career ...

Aman Tiwari
Aman Tiwari
Nov 30, 2022
Physics Homework Help: 9 Pros And Cons Of Such Assistance
Physics Homework Help: 9 Pros And Cons Of Such Assistance

Are you a student who is frustrated with all the assignments, tests, and deadlines? 

We understand!

Throughout their degree or diploma, students have to submit several assignments and give tests and exams. Submitting work on a deadline can get difficult, especially when ...

Matt Richardsons
Matt Richardsons
Sep 27, 2022
How can students tackle their accounting and economic homework in less time?
How can students tackle their accounting and economic homework in less time?

Assignments are a crucial part of a student's education. They are essential, in fact, ...

Raunak Jha
Raunak Jha
Jun 11, 2022
Top 10 Best Sources To Learn English Language
Top 10 Best Sources To Learn English Language

The English language has become a very important language. It is necessary for communication in the professional field. It is also needed from the reading ...

Siddharth Singh
Siddharth Singh
May 24, 2022
Top 10 Udemy’s Best Courses Of All Time
Top 10 Udemy’s Best Courses Of All Time

Since the advent of the new millennium and the transition into the 21st century, there has been a substantial ...

Raunak Jha
Raunak Jha
May 21, 2022
Top 10 Best Coding Platforms For Students
Top 10 Best Coding Platforms For Students

The computer science field has progressed a lot. We all are now surrounded by various kinds of advancements in ...

Aman Tiwari
Aman Tiwari
Mar 29, 2020
JavaScript object concepts
JavaScript object concepts

Wanna Learn React.js - How To Learn React Quickly

Today, new languages are being created to build a new level of applications that have advanced features and also meet demanding needs of ...

Diksha Gupta
Diksha Gupta
Sep 30, 2020
Best five apps to learn Python and some essential tips
Best five apps to learn Python and some essential tips

Python is one of the most popular and most professional coding language. Do you want to learn python? Are you searching for free coding apps which make coding fun and easy? Then you are at the right place! Here we will discuss about some popular and best apps for learning Python. Following these tips you will ...

Dikshant Gautam
Dikshant Gautam
Apr 28, 2021
Tips To Crack Logical Reasoning Puzzle Questions
Tips To Crack Logical Reasoning Puzzle Questions

The only section in the competitive examination that evaluates the candidates’ critical thinking ability is the logical reasoning questions. Its questions are based on image reflections, patterns, number sequences, and shapes. Here, candidates have to pick the correct solution and leave out the irrelevant data while ...

Ali Hyder
Ali Hyder
Dec 30, 2020
Leading Technologies - Helping Humanity Reach It's Peak Or Setting Us Up For A Great Fall?
Leading Technologies - Helping Humanity Reach It's Peak Or Setting Us Up For A Great Fall?

In todays world, technology is advancing faster than ever before. No doubt that there are many advantages of this but everything has 2 sides and sometimes it ...

Ali Hyder
Ali Hyder
Dec 28, 2020
Types of water purification & a list of best water purifiers.
Types of water purification & a list of best water purifiers.

Water is one of the natural resources that are present on Earth. Even though the earth is covered with about 71% of water, majority of that water is salty ...

Vaibhav Singh
Vaibhav Singh
Dec 23, 2020
How is Technology Going to Change the Field of Construction and Manufacturing?
How is Technology Going to Change the Field of Construction and Manufacturing?

Technology has made a lot of progress with time. The new advancements have changed the working and process of several departments. The progress levels are ...

Abhipsa Rajnandini
Abhipsa Rajnandini
Dec 11, 2020

We are going to enter 2021 soon but before that we all have entered to a technologically advanced world, As artificial intelligence and machine learning are ...

Mehul Lokhande
Mehul Lokhande
Dec 10, 2020
Data Science – Understanding it and getting started
Data Science – Understanding it and getting started

What is data science?

Data is considered the new oil. It is the most valuable and precious asset at present. The big giants like ...

Vaibhav Singh
Vaibhav Singh
Dec 07, 2020
About Digital Rights Management and its Importance
About Digital Rights Management and its Importance

DRM stands for Digital Rights Management. It is a set of protocols and technologies which are used for limiting the use for copyrighted contents and proprietary hardware. Copyright is a very sensitive issue nowadays. The internet and various other sources now have some very serious rules and ...

Mehul Lokhande
Mehul Lokhande
Dec 05, 2020
Stock Market – a worthful asset?
Stock Market – a worthful asset?

In this 21st century everyone wants to be rich and successful. Now, there may be some arguing that, these are materialistic things and would never bring peace and happiness. But thinking practically, being rich makes oneself happy to some extent. Firstly, the person can buy things whatever ...

Nov 24, 2020
Alternate browsers for privacy seekers
Alternate browsers for privacy seekers

While everyone can track what we search online and create our database through this information. So indeed it is hard to stay anonymous online. The best way is to delete your history as well as cache. This list provides alternate browsers to keep your privacy.

▪︎Firefox Focus ...

Chandrawati Bishwakarma
Chandrawati Bishwakarma
Nov 23, 2020
How Online Gaming Benefits in psychological?
How Online Gaming Benefits in psychological?

Online gaming are extra famous than ever. Games like fortnight have long gone mainstream and now nearly everyone considers themselves a gamer. In the past, online gaming has been seemed down, they were accused of inflicting behaviour of violence or ...

Chandrawati Bishwakarma
Chandrawati Bishwakarma
Nov 20, 2020
Which is healthier – Earphones or Headphones?
Which is healthier – Earphones or Headphones?

Do you spend quite a few times listening to music? Does one want the immersive HD audio sounds that take you to the other world? Well, then you certainly must pick earphones/headphones that resonate together with your needs. Earphones are higher or do ...

Dikshant Gautam
Dikshant Gautam
Nov 20, 2020
5 Skills You Should Possess When You're Starting An Online Business
5 Skills You Should Possess When You're Starting An Online Business

Thanks to the world of opportunities waiting out there, starting an online business is definitely a great idea. It’s also true that the competition is pretty ...

Chandrawati Bishwakarma
Chandrawati Bishwakarma
Nov 18, 2020

Internet of Things (IoT) gadgets helps the growth of net connectivity past popular gadgets like computers, laptops, smart phones, etc.

1. Amazon Dash ...

Chandrawati Bishwakarma
Chandrawati Bishwakarma
Nov 11, 2020
7 Driverless Autos Having Pros and Cons
7 Driverless Autos Having Pros and Cons

A driverless autos(also known as a self-driving vehicle) is a car that utilizes a total of sensors, cameras, radar and engineered knowledge (AI) to visit among areas with out a human administrator. To qualify as totally self continuing, a vehicle must be fit for explore with out human ...

Chandrawati Bishwakarma
Chandrawati Bishwakarma
Nov 09, 2020
CAL- For People with Disabilities
CAL- For People with Disabilities


Computer-Aided Learning is an integrative technology, which describes academic surroundings in which computer ...

Tanvi Mankapure
Tanvi Mankapure
Nov 09, 2020
High time to know Computer Aided Education
High time to know Computer Aided Education

Education without stepping out of the house, without wearing a school uniform, shoes, school bags, book, etc. Did anyone even think of studying in their pajamas and with a cup of tea in hand? Yet again, technology is setting its bars higher and ...

Shalini Sindhwal
Shalini Sindhwal
Nov 09, 2020
Computer-aided education for rural India
Computer-aided education for rural India

In the education system full of written information, studies introduced us to the more important factor for teaching, the visual perception. And there started the development of new teaching strategies using the computer. The educational institution started using computers to teach art, ...

Tanvi Mankapure
Tanvi Mankapure
Nov 04, 2020
Launchpad coordinates for geomatic career
Launchpad coordinates for geomatic career

The only branches or options that come to our mind, when we think of ‘engineering’ are computer, electronics, civil and mechanical. But engineering is a vast field and has a number of other branches, excluding these cliched ones, like genetics, ...

Chandrawati Bishwakarma
Chandrawati Bishwakarma
Nov 06, 2020
Unit 731- Unethical Human Experiment
Unit 731- Unethical Human Experiment

In middle August 1934, a family of Chinese peasants awoke within the centre of dark knocks on their door and it abs opened, they found many fellow Chinese therefore making and, which in and of itself was unsurprising. The Imperial Army had been ...

Shalini Sindhwal
Shalini Sindhwal
Nov 06, 2020
Covid-19 vaccine - Human trials and ethical concerns
Covid-19 vaccine - Human trials and ethical concerns

It has been more than 10 months since the first covid-19 case was reported, and currently, more than 150 vaccines are under development across the world to get rid of this world crisis. The human trials of the vaccine are occurring in many countries but, with that came forward various ...

Chandrawati Bishwakarma
Chandrawati Bishwakarma
Nov 05, 2020
Top 8 Geomatics Softwares
Top 8 Geomatics Softwares

Geoinformatics is the technological know-how and the technology which develops and uses records science infrastructure to deal with the issues of geography, cartography, geosciences, and associated branches of science and ...

Shalini Sindhwal
Shalini Sindhwal
Nov 04, 2020
Five online Geomatics courses in 2020
Five online Geomatics courses in 2020

Geomatics involves several methods and technologies for collecting, managing, and analyzing data about Earth and the phenomena arranged on and near its surface. It consists of different components such as GIS(Geographic Information Systems), Cartography( the art and science ...

Chandrawati Bishwakarma
Chandrawati Bishwakarma
Nov 01, 2020
5 Newly Innovation Solar Cars
5 Newly Innovation Solar Cars

Today, the entire automotive world may be a step by way of using step transferring closer to electrification. At the establishing sight, electrical motors will straightaway remedy several problems instead regarding environment Protection and minimize operating expenses on the ...

Chandrawati Bishwakarma
Chandrawati Bishwakarma
Oct 30, 2020
The World In 2050
The World In 2050

By 2050, our planet will be a vastly different place. By 2050, artificial intelligence will be everywhere AI-driven stores will allow you to purchase goods without cashiers or waiting lines. AI will diagnose and treat patients to manage transportation and analyze massive quantities of data. AI BOTS and voice ...

Oct 31, 2020
Engineers who pioneered India's race in space.
Engineers who pioneered India's race in space.

Engineers who pioneered India's race in space.

The Indian Space Research Organization aka ISRO rank 5th in worldwide space power. It was formed in 1969 and ever since been leading into betterment and development of it's Nation. This list has been made to give a ...

Khushi Kanchan
Khushi Kanchan
Oct 28, 2020
Duties Performed by a Content Writer
Duties Performed by a Content Writer

Content is basically a set of texts, structured, on a particular topic, for conveying information to the readers. Whether it be a blog, technical content, entertainment content, marketing content, news content, feature content, lifestyle content, or SEO friendly content, ...

Dikshant Gautam
Dikshant Gautam
Oct 28, 2020
Top 10 AI-Driven Startups
Top 10 AI-Driven Startups

The Corona Virus might have disrupted the lifestyle and organizational plans, but there has been a positive side to this problem. One of the ...

Kanishka Gulati
Kanishka Gulati
Oct 24, 2020
Best Laptops In 2020 In India For Personal Use
Best Laptops In 2020 In India For Personal Use

Laptops have become a necessity in present days. Smartphones and tablets have their limitations. Laptops are obviously needed to do various tasks. Shopping for a laptop and choosing the best one can be confusing especially for our own personal use. Here's some top laptops available in India in ...

Dikshant Gautam
Dikshant Gautam
Oct 24, 2020
An Amateur's Guide to Instagram for Business
An Amateur's Guide to Instagram for Business

Instagram is one of the most popular platforms to build and expand your brand. In this day and age, you need an effective content marketing strategy to gain ...

Aliya Rizvi
Aliya Rizvi
Oct 22, 2020
Impacts of Covid-19 on Technology
Impacts of Covid-19 on Technology


Almost a year ago, No-one ...

Debasmita Mazumder
Debasmita Mazumder
Oct 20, 2020
Windows 10: The Ultimate Operating System
Windows 10: The Ultimate Operating System

As a student, you do know that in this modern age it is impossible to do any personal work without a laptop or computer. And when you fire up your electronic device, the image of light passing through what looks like glass ...

Kanishka Gulati
Kanishka Gulati
Oct 20, 2020
Interesting Facts About Windows Operating System
Interesting Facts About Windows Operating System

Microsoft Windows, also known as, Windows Operating System or

Chong Lhungdim
Chong Lhungdim
Oct 19, 2020
Scope And Career Options For Data Science
Scope And Career Options For Data Science

What is the study of Data Science?

Data Science is the study of mathematics, ...

Debasmita Mazumder
Debasmita Mazumder
Oct 18, 2020
How is Amazon Binding You Into Their Ecosystem?
How is Amazon Binding You Into Their Ecosystem?

Imagine having an interview on the day after and you cannot find your necktie; what would you have done ten years ago? You probably would have been very nervous. Today, you just need to pick your phone, place an order on Amazon and it is on your doorstep the next day. Thanks to ...

Diksha Gupta
Diksha Gupta
Oct 17, 2020
Top Graphic Design Courses Online At Lowest Prices
Top Graphic Design Courses Online At Lowest Prices

Wondering what are the best online design courses for you at the lowest prices? Kudos, your search is over now. We are here to help you! So today in this article you will come across a good list of graphic design online courses at lowest prices by top notch brands like coursera, udemy, edX, ...

Divya Raghavan
Divya Raghavan
Oct 17, 2020
Scope of Graphic Designing in India
Scope of Graphic Designing in India

Graphic designing can be seen as the process of visual communication that combines images, words and ideas to ...

Oct 17, 2020

Are you looking for the scopes of graphic design in India .Then this is the right place .Everything is designed in the world websites ,YouTube thumbnails , etc. You have many doubts like Is graphics design a good career or is it a dying field. In this ...

Kanishka Gulati
Kanishka Gulati
Oct 17, 2020
Understanding The Value Of Graphic Designing Lifestyle
Understanding The Value Of Graphic Designing Lifestyle

Graphic Designing is a tool that enhances the way you present to other people. It is a helpful aid in conveying your ideas in a beautiful and effective ...

Oct 16, 2020
Bash to Automate your Environment
Bash to Automate your Environment

When it comes to achieving something, there is nothing better than it happening on its own. Living in such a busy world lights up ...

Debasmita Mazumder
Debasmita Mazumder
Oct 15, 2020
Top IT Companies of India in 2020
Top IT Companies of India in 2020

In India, Information Technology is an industry consisting of two main elements: IT services ...

Chong Lhungdim
Chong Lhungdim
Oct 16, 2020
Different Types of Automation in Technology
Different Types of Automation in Technology

What is automation in technology?

Automation is the

Stuti Jain
Stuti Jain
Oct 15, 2020
How IT Sector Is Contributing To The Economy Of India.
How IT Sector Is Contributing To The Economy Of India.

As we all know that India has always been called the agricultural country. quite 60% of the people here are farmers and earn living by that. But as per the previous year GDP's the key population of the economy is contributed through the service ...

Stuti Jain
Stuti Jain
Oct 13, 2020
How YouTubers or Influencers Are Leveraging VFX
How YouTubers or Influencers Are Leveraging VFX

We all are somewhere thankful to movies or tv series for giving us the experience which we can never have in our real life. Mainly the effects used during action scenes in movies are created by using visual effects. Do you know what are visual effects or ...

Divya Raghavan
Divya Raghavan
Oct 13, 2020
Scope of VFX and animation in India
Scope of VFX and animation in India

Visual Effects also are known as VFX refers to the procedure of creating imagery using live-action captured with film making. Visual effects deal with the blending of real-life footage and computer-generated imagery also known as CGI to make scenes, which looks sensible; ...

Stuti Jain
Stuti Jain
Oct 12, 2020
Ways To Hire Virtual Assistant For Business
Ways To Hire Virtual Assistant For Business

As we all know, technology is growing in every field and it's effectively helping and supporting business. one among the ways through which companies have gotten more practical is by the hiring of virtual assistants.

What ...

Debasmita Mazumder
Debasmita Mazumder
Oct 11, 2020
Things You Need To Know Before Investing In CryptoCurrency
Things You Need To Know Before Investing In CryptoCurrency
Planning to invest in Cryptocurrency? Here is what you should know about cryptocurrency before you invest a penny.

What is ...

Diksha Gupta
Diksha Gupta
Oct 10, 2020
Blockchain technology- A guide for beginners
Blockchain technology- A guide for beginners


Blockchain is a kind of system of recording a peice of information that protects the data and makes it difficult to change, hack or cheat the system. A blockchain ca be understood as a digital ledger of ...

Kanishka Gulati
Kanishka Gulati
Oct 10, 2020
Key Blockchain Technology Concepts You Need To Know
Key Blockchain Technology Concepts You Need To Know

Blockchain Technology: Blockchain Technology is a structure which store Transaction records, commonly known as the block of the public in several databases, ...

Sreyasi Dey
Sreyasi Dey
Oct 09, 2020
VFX Studios Behind the Movies you Love
VFX Studios Behind the Movies you Love

A tub of popcorn and a movie is probably one of the most amazing pass times. However, a penny for a thought can be that most of the movies we see today, especially the one involving aliens and robots and elaborate, eclectic characters are usually filmed on a set, covered with green screen and pointed with markers. ...

Riya Bisht
Riya Bisht
Oct 07, 2020
Carbon Nanotechnology: Path Of Bright Future
Carbon Nanotechnology: Path Of Bright Future

The Global Market for Carbon Nanotubes.

Carbon nanotubes are being excessively trendy and can be an orientation changer for the world in the coming years. The reason for this is the growing use and applications and future projects based on this ...

Stuti Jain
Stuti Jain
Oct 08, 2020
How Does 5g Technology Creates An Impact On Our Lives
How Does 5g Technology Creates An Impact On Our Lives

All of us are familiar with mobile networks and the latest which most of us using is 4g network. So what's 5g then? Is it better than 4g? What are its benefits? How does it affect us? Well there must be so many questions in everyone's mind. Let's clear them.

Kanishka Gulati
Kanishka Gulati
Oct 08, 2020
What Makes 5G Different? Key Benefits Of 5G Technology
What Makes 5G Different? Key Benefits Of 5G Technology

5G is basically 5th generation mobile network technology. It is the new global wireless standard after 1G, 2G, 3G and 4G networks. 5G technology aims to build a new kind of network that will virtually connect everyone ...

Kanishka Gulati
Kanishka Gulati
Oct 06, 2020
A Brief History of Gaming Consoles And Future of Gaming
A Brief History of Gaming Consoles And Future of Gaming

Video Gaming has come a very long way now. Since childhood, we've experienced a great evolution in terms of Gaming. It is now a necessary part of current atmosphere. Presently, Video games have become very similar to the real world environment. All thanks to the HD ...

Stuti Jain
Stuti Jain
Oct 01, 2020
What Are Programming Languages - Let's Figure Out.
What Are Programming Languages - Let's Figure Out.

Language has always been a top priority for communication and interaction purposes.

Like we talk in several languages including Hindi, English, French, Spanish, German and many ...

Stuti Jain
Stuti Jain
Sep 28, 2020
HACKING AND ETHICS - There Is A Hack For Everything
HACKING AND ETHICS - There Is A Hack For Everything

HACKING AND ETHICS - Is hacking a crime? 

Let's talk about hacking first.

So basically

Sreyasi Dey
Sreyasi Dey
Oct 05, 2020
Tech Job Trends in 2020
Tech Job Trends in 2020

With the technological advancement in the last 10 years, the criterion for hiring and job market has altered drastically and seem to be ever evolving. This headway and progress in the professional fields also ensure the gradual but steady emergence of new ...

Debasmita Mazumder
Debasmita Mazumder
Oct 05, 2020
Basics of a Database Administrator(DBA)
Basics of a Database Administrator(DBA)

Information Technology (IT) jobs include ensuring people and companies have the hardware and software they need and any required resources to help them make the best use of it. Unsurprisingly, there are several positions, ...

Chong Lhungdim
Chong Lhungdim
Oct 05, 2020
Top 5 Technical Jobs In Demand
Top 5 Technical Jobs In Demand

What is a Technical job?

A technical ...

Diksha Gupta
Diksha Gupta
Oct 04, 2020
Top 5 best cloud computing projects for interested beginners
Top 5 best cloud computing projects for interested beginners


Cloud computing is the delivery of different systems and services through Internet. It provides us with faster innovations, flexible resources and economies to scale. It involves delivery of servers, storage, ...

Oct 04, 2020
Choosing Feasible Cloud Services
Choosing Feasible Cloud Services

You must've heard about cloud computing from someone or the other, or in the form of cloud storage, or someone saying that my data is in the cloud. Now we all hear something and associate it with something. But have we ever pondered upon the question of,

Oct 04, 2020

Are you tired of searching what is cloud computing? Cloud computing is becoming a common term over the past few years, but the services at sometimes create confusion. Don’t be panic, Let us know what is cloud computing and it’s best ...

Jyesh Batra
Jyesh Batra
Sep 04, 2020
Best Programming languages for Android Development
Best Programming languages for Android Development

Want to build your next Android app, but not sure which programming language is best for you? or want to build your startup but various trends in the market left you in confusion at last. In this article, we will analyse the Best language android ...

Kanishka Gulati
Kanishka Gulati
Oct 03, 2020
Iot Explained: How Does It Actually Work?
Iot Explained: How Does It Actually Work?

The Internet Of Things describes the network of physical objects that are embedded with sensors, software and other technologies for the purpose of connecting and exchanging data with other devices and systems over the Internet. These ...

Sreyasi Dey
Sreyasi Dey
Oct 03, 2020
Virtual Reality and it's Practical Uses
Virtual Reality and it's Practical Uses

VR or virtual reality is one of the fast growing and multifaceted arenas of technology. It deals with environmental stimulation, this helps the viewer experience a situation or a location from the point of commencement in a 360° view. The addition of a proper audio makes the experience as real as it could possibly ...

Oct 02, 2020

You want to go for a long drive but you are very much tired after doing your work in the office. How do you feel If the car drives itself and helps you to reach your destination!!! I am not telling any fantasy stories It will happen with the help of artificial intelligence. Already these kinds of ...

Kanishka Gulati
Kanishka Gulati
Oct 01, 2020
Best Apps For English Language Learners
Best Apps For English Language Learners

Learning to speak English is a big effort. It definitely requires time, money, energy and commitment. English languages comes with a great package of ...

Oct 01, 2020

Are you feeling depressed due to the lockdown? Do you have a feeling of wasting time without doing anything? Then it’s time to say goodbye to all ...

Debasmita Mazumder
Debasmita Mazumder
Sep 29, 2020
5 Best Laptops On A Budget in India
5 Best Laptops On A Budget in India

Even though smartphones have been modified enough to carry out plenty of functions which ...

Riya Bisht
Riya Bisht
Sep 29, 2020
Web scripting: An dynamic computer programming language
Web scripting: An dynamic computer programming language

To add the date, time, page counter, etc. on your web page, or you want your web page to be a reader interactive slot, it is not an ...

Kanishka Gulati
Kanishka Gulati
Sep 29, 2020
Scope Of Fashion Engineering In India
Scope Of Fashion Engineering In India

Fashion is like eating, you shouldn't stick to the same menu.

In the 21st century, Fashion trends leads the world and the style trend of Fashion ...

Sreyasi Dey
Sreyasi Dey
Sep 28, 2020
Misuse of Photoshop in the Glamour Industry
Misuse of Photoshop in the Glamour Industry

Most people in the glamour industry have been upheld it a severe and unusual standard of physical appearance and beauty. People look up to models and actors as highly fit and fashionable people who have to remain prim and perfect all the time. These unmatched beauty standards are not only prevalent in the screens ...

Yashita Gupta
Yashita Gupta
Sep 28, 2020
Top 10 Websites To Learn Programming
Top 10 Websites To Learn Programming

Programming has been widely common among the technical geeks and it is something that the developers learn to ...

Riya Bisht
Riya Bisht
Sep 28, 2020
Adobe Photoshop: Easy to learn+Relishable job+ Makes money
Adobe Photoshop: Easy to learn+Relishable job+ Makes money

Among all other freelancing jobs, photoshop which is, by the way, the most creative, passionate, relishing job with zero investment. ...

Sep 27, 2020
Enhancing The World With Code
Enhancing The World With Code

We've all seen a lot of science fiction movies where the main character goes on a mission and does something that always impresses us like hacking into an ...

Geetika Anand
Geetika Anand
Sep 26, 2020
How To Start YouTube As A Career?
How To Start YouTube As A Career?

YouTube is a very famous way to make money. Everybody uses their phones and watch YouTube videos. All you need to view these videos is a phone and an internet connection. People make videos using YouTube and earn loads of money. Making these videos is much fun if you ...

Yashita Gupta
Yashita Gupta
Sep 26, 2020
Top 10 Websites To Learn English Grammar
Top 10 Websites To Learn English Grammar

English is the most second common and widely spoken language in the world. People often go to search for ...

Chong Lhungdim
Chong Lhungdim
Sep 25, 2020
Best Online learning platforms during covid
Best Online learning platforms during covid

The outbreak of Corona virus has changed the way we learn, from physical presence of learning (schools, colleges, institutions) to online mode of learning. ...

Kanishka Gulati
Kanishka Gulati
Sep 26, 2020
Best And Free Google Online Courses
Best And Free Google Online Courses

" A learning curve is essential to growth."

Learning new things always provides the golden opportunity to enhance the skills. But due to the global corona virus pandemic nowadays, its almost impossible to go out of our houses to learn new things. The only option that is opted by almost everyone is to work from ...

Divya Raghavan
Divya Raghavan
Sep 26, 2020
What is ethical hacking?
What is ethical hacking?

This pandemic has forced everyone to be in their houses but also has forced people to think ...

Sep 26, 2020
Web Application Hacking - Boon or Bane?
Web Application Hacking - Boon or Bane?

The ever-deteriorating situation of the world has forced everyone to escalate the layout of usage. All the traditional modes of tasks are now taken care of ...

Riya Bisht
Riya Bisht
Sep 25, 2020
Best newly pre eminent programming languages.
Best newly pre eminent programming languages.

New to the computer field?Want to know which computer languages are best for beginners? Then you at the right position for your all ...

Sreyasi Dey
Sreyasi Dey
Sep 25, 2020
Some Free Apps You Didn't Know You Needed
Some Free Apps You Didn't Know You Needed

With the advancement in technology, especially programming and web development, the world has evolved into a high tech version of itself. The progress made ...

Geetika Anand
Geetika Anand
Sep 25, 2020
How To Make Money From Your Hobby ?
How To Make Money From Your Hobby ?

You can make money by using your hobby, interest, and passion. By doing so, you will not get bored with your ...

Bhumika Bisht
Bhumika Bisht
Sep 25, 2020
Top 5 best shopping apps in India
Top 5 best shopping apps in India

Whenever we want to do online shopping we prefer to use apps rather than websites. 

  • The first preference is of reasonablly low ...
Sep 25, 2020
Best Online Platform for Studies Amidst COVID
Best Online Platform for Studies Amidst COVID

This pandemic might be a huge vacation for someone or a disastrous time for others. But it has been a rollercoaster for students by gambling their studies. While we're amidst the COVID storm that has been surrounding us for long, we have no other option than to migrate over to the digital aspects of ...

Geetika Anand
Geetika Anand
Sep 24, 2020
Best Ways To Earn Money Online
Best Ways To Earn Money Online

Everyone nowadays wants to earn money. There are various ways to earn money and people get paid for the work they do. Earlier people used to have to go to the office for earning money. But nowadays, times have changed and you get the opportunity to earn money ...

Yashita Gupta
Yashita Gupta
Sep 25, 2020
How To Convert a Photoshop Design into HTML and CSS
How To Convert a Photoshop Design into HTML and CSS

Website designing requires various steps to be followed and the designing on Photoshop conversion into HTML or ...

Yashita Gupta
Yashita Gupta
Sep 23, 2020
10 Questions To Ask Your Web Designer Before Hiring Them
10 Questions To Ask Your Web Designer Before Hiring Them

Selecting the right web designer for your website’s redesign can be a tedious task. You may get various proposals from different designers but while going through the process of interview you need to ask the right questions to check the candidate’s thinking and design ...

Geetika Anand
Geetika Anand
Sep 23, 2020
How To Prepare For GATE 2021 Examination ?
How To Prepare For GATE 2021 Examination ?

GATE is India’s national entrance test for engineering for admission to MTech students and PSU recruitments. This exam is conducted every year by IIT. Every year different IIT centers get the opportunity to conduct it. It is a Graduate Aptitude Test in ...

Yashita Gupta
Yashita Gupta
Sep 22, 2020
Why Isn’t Anyone Coming To My Website ?
Why Isn’t Anyone Coming To My Website ?

If your brand is new to the market and you have carefully planned and executed your website in a professional way and still your website is not searchable on google and no visitors are coming to your website and the traffic is less. But there are things that you can do to ...

Geetika Anand
Geetika Anand
Sep 22, 2020
How To Start Gaming As A Career
How To Start Gaming As A Career

When we talk about gaming the first thing that comes in our mind is what is gaming? So, the simple answer is gaming is an activity that involves interaction with a user interface or input device, such as a joystick, controller, keyboard, or motion sensing devices, to ...

Geetika Anand
Geetika Anand
Sep 21, 2020
Top 10 Startup Ideas For Students In India
Top 10 Startup Ideas For Students In India

In India, startup for students is not given so much importance as it is given abroad. In abroad, as students ...

Yashita Gupta
Yashita Gupta
Sep 20, 2020
10 Signs Your Website Is Boring
10 Signs Your Website Is Boring

Your website is the only place where you as a brand, company or as a blog can share your content on the website. Setting up your own website that completely belongs to you and to your target or potential customers is not an easy task. You need to create a website from ...

Geetika Anand
Geetika Anand
Sep 20, 2020

Udemy, edX, Shawacademy and Coursera provide online courses with certification. These courses are from various ...

Yashita Gupta
Yashita Gupta
Sep 19, 2020
How To Send a Graphic Design Proposal
How To Send a Graphic Design Proposal

A company requires a design proposal that states what you can propose to do for your client. The nicely prepared ...

Geetika Anand
Geetika Anand
Sep 18, 2020
Top 10 Technological Advancements That Changed Cricket
Top 10 Technological Advancements That Changed Cricket

Cricket is the game that is taking steps that help it evolve more and more, which in hand increases the interest ...

Yashita Gupta
Yashita Gupta
Sep 17, 2020
What To Include In A Good Design Portfolio
What To Include In A Good Design Portfolio

Being a designer, a portfolio holds a great importance and reflects your identity, your thoughts and work to attract new clients and people who are related to the specific field of yours. It can also help you to get your dream job. Publishing your best work on your ...

Geetika Anand
Geetika Anand
Sep 17, 2020
Impact Of COVID 19 On Tech Companies
Impact Of COVID 19 On Tech Companies

The coronavirus has affected all industries and jobs in different ways. It is a hard time for people worldwide. ...

Geetika Anand
Geetika Anand
Sep 16, 2020
How To Learn Psychology Online ?
How To Learn Psychology Online ?

Psychology is one such course or subject one must take up in their life. Learning psychology can help you in many ways as it helps in understand other people’s way of thinking, also it helps in understanding your own self more deeply. So, resultingly it will help you in ...

Yashita Gupta
Yashita Gupta
Sep 16, 2020
10 Ways A Professional Website Will Grow Your Business
10 Ways A Professional Website Will Grow Your Business

A professional website is a standard of your business and without having a professional website your business cannot grow effectively. Web page design is an effective way to bring customers to your business and helps in business advertising. It helps promote your business ...

Yashita Gupta
Yashita Gupta
Sep 16, 2020
What Is Responsive Design And Why Does My Site Need It ?
What Is Responsive Design And Why Does My Site Need It ?

Responsive Design can be a beneficial way to solve many problems for your website. It is a way through which one can make their website look mobile friendly and improve the ways on how it looks on devices with both small and large screens. It helps in increasing the time ...

Geetika Anand
Geetika Anand
Sep 15, 2020
Things You Should Do as A Software Engineer
Things You Should Do as A Software Engineer

As a software engineer, you need to work on the software. as a software engineer, you ...

Yashita Gupta
Yashita Gupta
Sep 15, 2020
10 Features Your Blog Should Have
10 Features Your Blog Should Have

Being a blogger requires a great amount of strategy and you need to include some key features and take note of ...

Geetika Anand
Geetika Anand
Sep 14, 2020
How To Use Social Media To Grow Your Business
How To Use Social Media To Grow Your Business

Social media is not only being used for chatting, growing contacts but also very helpful to grow business ...

Jyesh Batra
Jyesh Batra
Sep 12, 2020
Python for Web Development: Pros and Cons
Python for Web Development: Pros and Cons

Want to publish your own website in python? but various option market leave you blank at the end. Did you know most developers use primarily Python for Web Development in their projects? And, if I tell you that your most favorite app "Instagram" made using Python. You have surprised! right? ...

Geetika Anand
Geetika Anand
Sep 12, 2020
Why Is Gaming Good For Your Brain ?
Why Is Gaming Good For Your Brain ?

Gaming is the one thing that everyone loves nowadays. As someone gets free, all they do is pick up their phone ...

Yashita Gupta
Yashita Gupta
Sep 12, 2020
Things Your Website Is Missing
Things Your Website Is Missing

Have you ever visited a certain website where you could not find the information you were looking for? If you are also a business owner and lack such crucial information on your own website and lose traffic because of such small but important things then you must include ...

Yashita Gupta
Yashita Gupta
Sep 12, 2020
Difference Between UI/UX Design,Graphic Design,Web Design
Difference Between UI/UX Design,Graphic Design,Web Design

There is a widespread development in technology and more people are coming in to adopt the upcoming technologies ...

Yashita Gupta
Yashita Gupta
Sep 10, 2020
Top 15 Best Free Resources For Learning Design
Top 15 Best Free Resources For Learning Design

Are you looking for learning graphic design and brushing up your skills online? In the world of visual importance you can learn and work on various skills online during these hard times. For creative people they need to learn basic skills of design and softwares such as ...

Yashita Gupta
Yashita Gupta
Sep 09, 2020
Fundamentals Of Photoshop
Fundamentals Of Photoshop

Adobe essentials include Adobe Photoshop, which is the designer’s main tool for designing and editing various photos and also used by the professional photographers to photoshop photos and videos. You can learn basic photoshop skills through basic photoshop tutorials. ...

Yashita Gupta
Yashita Gupta
Sep 08, 2020
Common Mistakes Designers Do
Common Mistakes Designers Do

Mistakes are the part of designers work and it makes the designers more acceptable in terms of having a positive attitude towards work but also acts as an opportunity to learn, become a good designer and grow skills. Mistakes are common when you are working in a creative ...

Geetika Anand
Geetika Anand
Sep 08, 2020
Why You Should Learn Psychology ?
Why You Should Learn Psychology ?

Psychology is one such field which is multiplying its growth day by day. As nowadays everyone is going through ...

Yashita Gupta
Yashita Gupta
Sep 07, 2020
10 Signs Of A High Quality Designer
10 Signs Of A High Quality Designer

Everyone looks for a person who is best suited to play a role in an organization. Same goes in the field of ...

Yashita Gupta
Yashita Gupta
Sep 05, 2020
10 Signs It's Time For REBRAND
10 Signs It's Time For REBRAND

The brand that you have established is your identity. It is actually the values and characteristics that make up ...

Geetika Anand
Geetika Anand
Sep 03, 2020
Everything You Must Know About Cloud Computing
Everything You Must Know About Cloud Computing


Cloud computing is the on-demand availability of computer resources like storage, managing and databases, software etc using the internet. In this way, your files are kept safe in a data centre and are also backed up automatically. You only pay for ...

Geetika Anand
Geetika Anand
Sep 02, 2020
Difference Between Marketing And Advertising
Difference Between Marketing And Advertising

Many a times people get confused between advertising and marketing and also they think that both of them are ...

Yashita Gupta
Yashita Gupta
Sep 02, 2020
How To Earn Money As A Designer
How To Earn Money As A Designer

Being a designer, you have in yourself a creative impulse to create things that you are passionate of and in return you can utilize that skill to earn a good ...

Yashita Gupta
Yashita Gupta
Sep 01, 2020
How To Find Your Signature Brand Style
How To Find Your Signature Brand Style

If you are thinking to create your own brand and you are confused as to what your signature style is, then you need to sit, stir your mind and work upon some ...

Dikshant Gautam
Dikshant Gautam
Aug 29, 2020
jQuery Notes A Complete Guide
jQuery Notes A Complete Guide

jQuery is a DOM manipulation library. Although it is a powerful tool, it does add to the "weight" of a project, so be aware of what circumstances exist in which

Dikshant Gautam
Dikshant Gautam
Aug 22, 2020
CSS Notes For Web Development
CSS Notes For Web Development

Hello fellas, today in this article, I would share with you CSS Notes For Web Development, CSS is responsible for styling of our web page. ...

Dikshant Gautam
Dikshant Gautam
Aug 14, 2020
Frontend Development HTML Notes
Frontend Development HTML Notes

Hello fellas, today in this article I would share you the HTML notes of Frontend Web Development, Working on HTML is first starting step in learning Web ...

Naman Chaudhary
Naman Chaudhary
Jun 17, 2020
How to download Shutterstock images without watermark 2020
How to download Shutterstock images without watermark 2020

No doubt, shutterstock provides high quality of images, videos and music. But there is a problem of watermark. We use these images for personal use or for commercial but watermark destroys the look of the presentation

Now the question arises that whether we can download shutterstock images ...

Dikshant Gautam
Dikshant Gautam
Jun 08, 2020
Perform Brute Force On Login Page Using Burp Suite and Kali
Perform Brute Force On Login Page Using Burp Suite and Kali

Hello fellas, today in this article i would tell you how you can perform brute force attack using Kali Linux and Burp Suite. Brute force attack is a attack in which the attacker submits many username and passwords with hope of eventually guessing correct.

Vulnerability ...

Vansh Malik
Vansh Malik
Jun 03, 2020
Download udemy paid courses for free 2020.
Download udemy paid courses for free 2020.

During this corona virus pandemic ,every country has its own lockdown norms .Nobody knows when these colleges ,schools and technical coaching centers will open.Students and technical aspirants are totally dependent on the various online courses learning platform like udemy ,lynda or on ...