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Basics of a Database Administrator(DBA)

Oct 05, 2020
Basics of a Database Administrator(DBA)

Information Technology (IT) jobs include ensuring people and companies have the hardware and software they need and any required resources to help them make the best use of it. Unsurprisingly, there are several positions, such as programming, computer networking, or repairing the PCs of your peers, that involve using technical skills and knowledge. There are also several occupations, however, that has more of a business focus, in which you can use skills such as developing good customer relationships, managing projects so that they remain on schedule and budget, or analyzing how new technology can make a business more effective.

Who is a Database Administrator?

Data has become the modern treasure companies must protect and cherish with data so readily accessible in this age of apps, tablets, and social media. Database managers are counted on as the guardians of this treasure rather than anything else, enforcing security measures to ensure that confidential information does not fall into the hands of unruly pirates while also maintaining the databases that help store and coordinate it.

In short, database administrators-DBAs-set up databases according to the needs of an organization and ensure that they run efficiently. As required, they will also fine-tune, update, and test changes to the databases. In many of today's IT divisions, and by extension, their organizations in general, the DBA is a critically important feature.

Technical Requirements

Basic requirements of a Database Administrator include prerequisite knowledge of Structured Query Language(SQL), Procedural Language(PL)/SQL, Unix, Relational Database Management System(RDBMS), and Java. A broad range of sub-specializations for the position of a database administrator is also available. 

There are also database managers who, first of all, build and construct databases. They typically work as part of a team, often in a software development company that is more specialized. They are likely to collaborate with business experts and others closely familiar with banking operations to develop the roles and modules of the different applications. This is to ensure that the database structure generates and represents all bank functions (loans, cash transfers, electronic payments, ATM management, etc.).

The 'Performance Database Administrator' or 'Tuning Database Administrator' is another kind of database administrator. This administrator specializes in optimizing the efficiency of different databases and enhancing them. DBAs help ensure that the database is designed to take advantage of the hardware on which it is hosted, physical or virtual. 

'The Application DBA' is a third type of database administrator. This function focuses primarily on incorporating databases into apps that use them. Typically, accessing most databases involves knowledge of a certain kind of query language. The organized query language, or SQL, is the most popular one.

Responsibilities of a DBA

The duties of a database administrator can include

  • Build systems for databases
  • Adjust database structures according to specifications
  • Identify the criteria of their clients and manage databases accordingly.
  • Maintaining the database and updating its permissions
  • Merge old databases to create new databases
  • To prevent any loss, backup, and restore information.
  • Keep database accessible 
  • Maintaining database system reliability and minimizing errors
  • Solving database-related issues
  • Planning for and allocating the physical specifications of the database system, such as memory, disc space, network needs, etc.
  • Modifying the configuration of the database using knowledge supplied by developers of applications.
  • Development of a database backup and recovery plan and regular testing of backups to ensure availability.
  • Monitoring of technical support for both database systems and associated applications.

Are DBAs in Demand?

IT businesses have a large demand for administrators of databases. And only in recent years has it increased. It's a satisfying yet difficult career path to be a database administrator or database manager. In addition to being responsible for translating the raw data into actionable information, it also means managing considerable responsibility as the custodian of the data of an entity. Coupled with the obvious benefits of databases, the universal existence of computing means that the demand for good DBAs in today's workplace is very strong. Of course, pay for DBAs is directly related to seniority rank, years of experience, and the unique specialization of the database system. The so-called relational databases, such as Oracle DB, Microsoft SQL Server, and IBM's DB2, are the 'conventional' database platforms.

Salary of a DBA in India

In India, the average DBA salary is about 5 Lakh Per Annum. Their salary begins at almost 3 Lakh per Annum and goes up to around 15 Lakh per Annum. It's one of the most sought-after positions, and there is also a huge demand in the country for database administrators. Here are some important factors that affect the salary of a database administrator.

  • Based on Location: In this career, your place has a considerable effect on your salary. DBAs in Gurgaon and Hyderabad earn more than average pay. 
  • Based on Experience: Experience is easily one of a job's most important variables. DBAs receive about 3 Lakh per year with less than one year of experience. Those who are early (1-4 years of experience) in their careers can expect to earn around 4.2 lakh per year.
  • Based on Skills: The talents you have are another powerful aspect. SQL, Oracle, communication, and many others provide several important skills that influence your salary as a DBA. 

How to Become a Database Administrator(DBA)?

In India, the average DBA pay quickly makes it one of the most lucrative occupations. So you could start thinking,” How am I going to become a database administrator?” Companies usually require a candidate to have a bachelor's degree in computer science along with a specialty in the management of databases. Some companies require a candidate to have an Information Technology (IT) background. In certain cases, a degree is not appropriate, so to give your career a head start, you need to have the requisite qualifications (certifications).

You must have seen how profitable the wage of database administration in the current industry is. There's a high demand in the country for DBAs as well. So, it is the perfect time to become a DBA and give a healthy start to your career.