Geeks Ocean


Aman Tiwari
Aman Tiwari
Jul 19, 2023
Ensuring Data Security: Cloud-to-Cloud Backup for Microsoft Office 365
Ensuring Data Security: Cloud-to-Cloud Backup for Microsoft Office 365


In this digital era, cloud-based solutions have become incredibly popular, and Microsoft Office 365 stands out as one of the leading productivity suites available. While Office 365 offers ...

Anmol Chauhan
Anmol Chauhan
Jun 09, 2020
Best Private and Secure Browsers
Best Private and Secure Browsers

In the last decade, data collection and monitoring has become a global phenomenon, as user information has become the world's largest asset. Mainstream browsers are amongst this's worst offenders. Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge and Safari in particular all use cookies to track the websites you visit and keep records ...

Anmol Chauhan
Anmol Chauhan
May 19, 2020
Best Antivirus Software in 2023
Best Antivirus Software in 2023

You run the risk of being exposed to malware, viruses, spyware, ransomware, and trojans while using the internet. This malicious software can enable hackers to take control of your device, steal your data, snoop it on you for identity theft purposes or steal your bank details.

Downloading and installing good ...

Aman Tiwari
Aman Tiwari
May 12, 2023
5 Effective Ways to Prevent Data Breaches
5 Effective Ways to Prevent Data Breaches

Data breaches have become a common occurrence in recent years, and the impact they can have on businesses and individuals can be devastating. From financial ...

Aman Tiwari
Aman Tiwari
May 12, 2023
How to Find Out if My Information is on the Dark Web
How to Find Out if My Information is on the Dark Web

In today's digital age, it's more important than ever to protect your personal information online. Unfortunately, data breaches and other cyber attacks are ...

Stuti Jain
Stuti Jain
Sep 29, 2020
Top 5 cyber threats, one solution - CYBER SECURITY.
Top 5 cyber threats, one solution - CYBER SECURITY.

CYBER SECURITY - care to be aware

What are cyber threats? How it causes damage to us.?

Aman Tiwari
Aman Tiwari
Apr 05, 2023
Explore the Future of Cybersecurity User Experience
Explore the Future of Cybersecurity User Experience

As our world becomes increasingly digital, cybersecurity has become a critical concern for individuals and organizations alike. Cyberattacks are becoming ...

Anmol Chauhan
Anmol Chauhan
May 29, 2020
How Secure is Your Cloud Storage
How Secure is Your Cloud Storage

We all have enormous amounts of text documents, songs, photos , videos and other personal data we want to protect these days. Keeping our data locally can be dangerous because a hard drive may get compromised and a mobile device could get lost, stolen or damaged.

Reports have even surfaced that when they ...

Raunak Jha
Raunak Jha
May 30, 2022
Top 10 Best Productivity Applications For PC Users
Top 10 Best Productivity Applications For PC Users

The computer has been able to ease our tasks a lot. It has been ale to help us in various kinds of work. More importantly, it has become a part of our office ...

Siddharth Singh
Siddharth Singh
May 21, 2022
Top 10 Best Web Browsers For PC/Mac
Top 10 Best Web Browsers For PC/Mac

There was a time when the internet used to be a very complex place. Both in understanding it & reaching it. The first years of the internet looked so different from what we have today, that an average person may not even recognise it upon seeing it. But then, like all ...

Raunak Jha
Raunak Jha
May 20, 2022
Top 10 Best Antivirus Softwares For PC/Mac
Top 10 Best Antivirus Softwares For PC/Mac

Computers are important today. But due to their increased usage, we are becoming more and more vulnerable to attacks from various dangerous elements of the ...

Vaibhav Singh
Vaibhav Singh
Dec 30, 2020
Technologies that are or might prove to be Destructive
Technologies that are or might prove to be Destructive

“Everything has a price.” This quote is not unheard of. The fact that this saying applies to each and every aspect of life or other things is amazing. The ...

Vaibhav Singh
Vaibhav Singh
Dec 07, 2020
About Digital Rights Management and its Importance
About Digital Rights Management and its Importance

DRM stands for Digital Rights Management. It is a set of protocols and technologies which are used for limiting the use for copyrighted contents and proprietary hardware. Copyright is a very sensitive issue nowadays. The internet and various other sources now have some very serious rules and ...

Ali Hyder
Ali Hyder
Dec 07, 2020
Should DRM be applied to everything online?
Should DRM be applied to everything online?

Content creating for artists has changed over the past 30 years. Singers who would previously record their albums and sell it through CDs, phonograph records, are now selling their music digitally online through apps like Spotify and iTunes. Same way, movie makers who would sell their movies ...

Nov 24, 2020
Alternate browsers for privacy seekers
Alternate browsers for privacy seekers

While everyone can track what we search online and create our database through this information. So indeed it is hard to stay anonymous online. The best way is to delete your history as well as cache. This list provides alternate browsers to keep your privacy.

▪︎Firefox Focus ...

Ifrah Javed
Ifrah Javed
Nov 05, 2020

For the last couple of years, technology has marked a new horizon in every possible field, may it be education, sports, autonomous driving, robotic guide dogs, smart watches, online shopping etc. The entire worlds rests on your fingertip. You don’t have to enter your passwords over and over again. Your OTP is ...

Debasmita Mazumder
Debasmita Mazumder
Oct 18, 2020
How is Amazon Binding You Into Their Ecosystem?
How is Amazon Binding You Into Their Ecosystem?

Imagine having an interview on the day after and you cannot find your necktie; what would you have done ten years ago? You probably would have been very nervous. Today, you just need to pick your phone, place an order on Amazon and it is on your doorstep the next day. Thanks to ...

Oct 16, 2020
Bash to Automate your Environment
Bash to Automate your Environment

When it comes to achieving something, there is nothing better than it happening on its own. Living in such a busy world lights up ...

Oct 16, 2020
Everything You Should Know About Automation
Everything You Should Know About Automation

You might have heard about automation or industrial automation a few times here and there. Are you wondering what is it? And how it works. Let us check it out! What 😦 makes automation this much famous 😌

Divya Raghavan
Divya Raghavan
Oct 15, 2020
Different types of risks in the IT sector
Different types of risks in the IT sector

Information technology (IT) plays a huge role everywhere. IT is very crucial in various business and if you are someone who uses IT sector often then you should know all the risks that come along with IT. One should know all the risks that can harm one and how to manage ...

Kanishka Gulati
Kanishka Gulati
Oct 15, 2020

Covid-19 pandemic has likely forced many changes in our everyday life. The same is also true for businesses of all sectors, who once had to adjust with the market necessities and now are put into a slow race due to the outbreak. Due to Covid-19 pandemic, much of the global economy has grounded to a halt.

Shalini Sharma
Shalini Sharma
Oct 15, 2020
The Future of IT Sector in INDIA Top 5 Indian IT Companies
The Future of IT Sector in INDIA Top 5 Indian IT Companies

Hey! Geeky fellow, I've got another interesting article for you. It has got every inch of information on the "Information Technology" industry in INDIA. The article has also covered, behind the scenes of the exponential growth of the IT sector and its contribution to the ...

Sreyasi Dey
Sreyasi Dey
Oct 12, 2020
Virtual Assistants: Pros and Cons
Virtual Assistants: Pros and Cons

With the changing time work ability and ethics are also changing constantly. With the current pandemic situation in the head it is sometimes difficult to understand how the general course of time passes by. On the other hand the very rapid digitalization around the world has made it much easier to keep up with the ...

Bhagya Menasagi
Bhagya Menasagi
Oct 11, 2020
What is Cryptocurrency and how it works?
What is Cryptocurrency and how it works?

Are you looking for the complete guide to Cryptocurrency? Here is everything you wish to understand about Cryptocurrency and it's working!

Cryptocurrency is an Internet-based medium for financial transactions. Cryptocurrency originated as a byproduct of other inventions by ...

Oct 11, 2020
The Crypt of Cryptocurrency
The Crypt of Cryptocurrency

The modern era has made money the most reputable and approachable materialistic thing across the globe. Everything that is around us has a monetary value for what everyone has a specific approach. Every ...

Debasmita Mazumder
Debasmita Mazumder
Oct 11, 2020
Things You Need To Know Before Investing In CryptoCurrency
Things You Need To Know Before Investing In CryptoCurrency
Planning to invest in Cryptocurrency? Here is what you should know about cryptocurrency before you invest a penny.

What is ...

Kanishka Gulati
Kanishka Gulati
Oct 10, 2020
Key Blockchain Technology Concepts You Need To Know
Key Blockchain Technology Concepts You Need To Know

Blockchain Technology: Blockchain Technology is a structure which store Transaction records, commonly known as the block of the public in several databases, ...

Kanishka Gulati
Kanishka Gulati
Oct 08, 2020
What Makes 5G Different? Key Benefits Of 5G Technology
What Makes 5G Different? Key Benefits Of 5G Technology

5G is basically 5th generation mobile network technology. It is the new global wireless standard after 1G, 2G, 3G and 4G networks. 5G technology aims to build a new kind of network that will virtually connect everyone ...

Stuti Jain
Stuti Jain
Sep 28, 2020
HACKING AND ETHICS - There Is A Hack For Everything
HACKING AND ETHICS - There Is A Hack For Everything

HACKING AND ETHICS - Is hacking a crime? 

Let's talk about hacking first.

So basically

Debasmita Mazumder
Debasmita Mazumder
Sep 30, 2020
Why Should You Learn Python and Everything You Need To Know
Why Should You Learn Python and Everything You Need To Know

What is Python?

Python is an interpreted , object-oriented, high-level programming language developed by

Debasmita Mazumder
Debasmita Mazumder
Oct 05, 2020
Basics of a Database Administrator(DBA)
Basics of a Database Administrator(DBA)

Information Technology (IT) jobs include ensuring people and companies have the hardware and software they need and any required resources to help them make the best use of it. Unsurprisingly, there are several positions, ...

Oct 04, 2020

Are you tired of searching what is cloud computing? Cloud computing is becoming a common term over the past few years, but the services at sometimes create confusion. Don’t be panic, Let us know what is cloud computing and it’s best ...

Divya Raghavan
Divya Raghavan
Oct 03, 2020
Security framework for internet of things.
Security framework for internet of things.

The Internet of Things or also known as IoT describes the network of physical objects or things that ...

Kanishka Gulati
Kanishka Gulati
Oct 03, 2020
Iot Explained: How Does It Actually Work?
Iot Explained: How Does It Actually Work?

The Internet Of Things describes the network of physical objects that are embedded with sensors, software and other technologies for the purpose of connecting and exchanging data with other devices and systems over the Internet. These ...

Divya Raghavan
Divya Raghavan
Sep 29, 2020
What are Cyber threats? How to prevent them?
What are Cyber threats? How to prevent them?

Cyber threats are malicious attempts to cause disturbance to a computer system or any network by stealing all ...

Sep 27, 2020
Enhancing The World With Code
Enhancing The World With Code

We've all seen a lot of science fiction movies where the main character goes on a mission and does something that always impresses us like hacking into an ...

Diksha Gupta
Diksha Gupta
Sep 26, 2020
How to prevent hacking?
How to prevent hacking?

Did you recently logged into a public WiFi? Did you receive a suspicious mail? Then it is a cause to worry. You may have been targeted by unethical hackers ...

Divya Raghavan
Divya Raghavan
Sep 26, 2020
What is ethical hacking?
What is ethical hacking?

This pandemic has forced everyone to be in their houses but also has forced people to think ...

Sep 26, 2020
Web Application Hacking - Boon or Bane?
Web Application Hacking - Boon or Bane?

The ever-deteriorating situation of the world has forced everyone to escalate the layout of usage. All the traditional modes of tasks are now taken care of ...

Anmol Chauhan
Anmol Chauhan
Jul 18, 2020
How To Test Password Strength
How To Test Password Strength

Two-factor authentication, single sign-on and other technologies have made improving your online security simpler than ever, but good passwords will still play a key role in keeping your information secure. Password attacks are more of a threat than many people believe, and passwords that are widely used are much ...

Naman Chaudhary
Naman Chaudhary
Jul 10, 2020
How to get Amazon Prime for free l Free trial l Student account l No credit card l Hack
How to get Amazon Prime for free l Free trial l Student account l No credit card l Hack

Okay, today I'm gonna tell you how to get Amazon Prime account for free for 30-days. Yes, you do not need to have any credit card for this. This technique is just a glitch and nothing to be called a hack. So, lets begin with it.

Step 1: In the Incognito mode of Google ...

Anmol Chauhan
Anmol Chauhan
Jun 30, 2020
Top Free Password Managers in 2020
Top Free Password Managers in 2020

When you're sick of recalling passwords for all of your online accounts and programs, you'll definitely consider getting a password manager.

For a password manager, the difficulty of remembering passwords evaporates, allowing you to set difficult, unique passwords for each single account.

We do ...

Anmol Chauhan
Anmol Chauhan
Jun 23, 2020
The Best Network Attached Storage Backups in 2020
The Best Network Attached Storage Backups in 2020

Network-attached storage (NAS) is a smart storage device that directly connects to your Internet router or WiFi network. A home NAS typically has between one and four bays, but small businesses may opt to install an eight-bay system.

The NAS is useful because it creates a personal cloud that allows you to back ...

Anmol Chauhan
Anmol Chauhan
Jun 12, 2020
The Best No Logs VPNs
The Best No Logs VPNs

VPNs are versatile tools which are useful in several ways. This includes looking at US Netflix from abroad, defeating state censorship, overcoming Facebook blocks at work, and preventing website tracking and commercial WiFi hosts from doing so.

However, many people primarily use a VPN ...

Dikshant Gautam
Dikshant Gautam
Jun 08, 2020
Perform Brute Force On Login Page Using Burp Suite and Kali
Perform Brute Force On Login Page Using Burp Suite and Kali

Hello fellas, today in this article i would tell you how you can perform brute force attack using Kali Linux and Burp Suite. Brute force attack is a attack in which the attacker submits many username and passwords with hope of eventually guessing correct.

Vulnerability ...

Anmol Chauhan
Anmol Chauhan
Jun 05, 2020
Best Alternatives for Gmail
Best Alternatives for Gmail

Google's Gmail is one of the world's most used email applications. Given its widespread use, digital privacy is well known to be invasive and evil.

Lately, people are waking up with a more secure email client and want to protect their digital footprint. It's time to join the tide of people turning away from ...

Naman Chaudhary
Naman Chaudhary
Jun 03, 2020
Can police track a phone number
Can police track a phone number

The best option is to stay away from police involvements. But still if you're struck in any issue and now they (police) are searching for you, so here are a few ways in which they may try to track you down:

  • Using your smartphone's GPS location

Almost every ...

Amit Rawat
Amit Rawat
Jun 01, 2020
Remove china App is trending on playstore in India
Remove china App is trending on playstore in India

Recently a App named as Remove China Apps is trending on Playstore in India because of its claims to remove each and every Chinese app form your mobile phone, this app is free to download and was released on 17 May 2020. It is developed by OneTouch Applabs which is an Indian tech company form ...

Vansh Malik
Vansh Malik
May 31, 2020
All about Mitron and Zynn App- Tiktok alternative
All about Mitron and Zynn App- Tiktok alternative

Tiktok is a very good social media platform to showcase of their skills but in a recent past there were many videos that came into the limelight that were spreading a hatred speech and acts. So as a result many users started uninstalling tiktok app from their phones and there was a gradual decrease ...

Anmol Chauhan
Anmol Chauhan
May 26, 2020
Best Adblock Extensions for Google Chrome
Best Adblock Extensions for Google Chrome

Adblockers are becoming increasingly common in a environment where online ads are seen as a necessary evil to keep many websites free to access. Unfortunately, the business models of many websites misuse online advertisements, with intrusive pop-up ads, cookie trackers and scammers causing users tremendous fatigue. ...

Anmol Chauhan
Anmol Chauhan
May 23, 2020
Best Search Engines for Privacy and Security
Best Search Engines for Privacy and Security

The use of a private search engine, such as StartPage or DuckDuckGo, is becoming increasingly necessary. Most privacy-focused alternatives typically use massive search engines to return data, but proxy search requests such that Google, Yahoo or Microsoft may not know who searched. In other words, they see only that ...

Vansh Malik
Vansh Malik
May 22, 2020
Pataal Lok inspired Cerberus banking virus.
Pataal Lok inspired Cerberus banking virus.

Yes! you heared it right!! .This Cerberus Android Banking Trojan is greatly inspired by the latest web series - Pataal Lok . Before knowing how it is inspired by the latest web series ,first of all you should know all about this trojan malware.

What is Cerberus ...

Anmol Chauhan
Anmol Chauhan
May 13, 2020
Top Windows Alternatives
Top Windows Alternatives

Windows is not a stable operating system, or private one. This is partly because Windows is the world's most popular desktop operating system, and has become the biggest target for hackers and malware peddlers. And, let's not forget that Microsoft was actually (by some margin) the first organization to comply with ...

Anmol Chauhan
Anmol Chauhan
May 08, 2020
Top Linux Distros For Security And Privacy in 2020
Top Linux Distros For Security And Privacy in 2020

Privacy and security have become growing issues for internet users, not least with increased government surveillance and corporate user data collection, and a long list of well-publicized hack attacks in which this user data was stolen and misused.

Although some protections are in place for Windows and macOS ...

Anmol Chauhan
Anmol Chauhan
May 06, 2020
Tor vs VPN and What To Choose
Tor vs VPN and What To Choose

Privacy online is a growing concern for those who surf the Internet. 53 percent of internet users said they were more worried about their online privacy this year than they were last year when they were questioned in January 2019.

Despite these growing issues, web users are moving to different software ...

Anmol Chauhan
Anmol Chauhan
Apr 22, 2020
A SEVERE Security Flaw In Apple iPhone's Default Mail App
A SEVERE Security Flaw In Apple iPhone's Default Mail App

According to a report published Wednesday by San Francisco-based firm ZecOps, security researchers say the iPhone has a significant flaw in the native iOS Mail app ...

Naman Chaudhary
Naman Chaudhary
Apr 14, 2020
Zoom accounts sold in dark web for just $30,000
Zoom accounts sold in dark web for just $30,000

Hackers are running credential sniffing attacks which saves the log files of the vulnerable zoom app. Thousands of such credentials are being sold for even less than a cent each.

The leaked account details are then complied and sold to hackers and other organizations on the dark web. These ...

Anmol Chauhan
Anmol Chauhan
Apr 04, 2020
Zoom Adds New Security Measures To Avoid "Zoombombing"
Zoom Adds New Security Measures To Avoid "Zoombombing"

Zoom will soon trigger passwords and ready rooms for all conferences by default in an attempt to help avoid "Zoombombing," or the current trend of individuals disrupting uninvited Zoom conferences ...