Virtual Assistants: Pros and Cons

4 years ago

With the changing time work ability and ethics are also changing constantly. With the current pandemic situation in the head it is sometimes difficult to understand how the general course of time passes by. On the other hand the very rapid digitalization around the world has made it much easier to keep up with the flow and maintain productivity. The latest intervention in this sector are the virtual assistants or an AI assistant. The most popular of these are Alexa, Google Home, Google Assistant and Siri. 

What is a AI Virtual Assistant and what does a Virtual Assistant do?

Simply speaking, a Virtual Assistant is an application, so programmed that it is able to understand and interpret voice comments and commands. It can be used via your cell phone or may come in the form of a separate device. The assistant can be synced in with the devices present at home and hence helps to keep your calendar, household lists, schedule in order, take dictation and even read out e- mails and messages. However, a devices like this may have draw backs like voice retention, computing and privacy concerns. 

Here are a few Pros and Cons of a Virtual Assistant:



Here are a few advantages of owning a Virtual Assistant :

1. Efficiency

A digitalized assistant can be key to maintaining work or study schedule or your daily meetings or classes. It is a handy tool to keep yourself in check with the help of personalized calendar alarms or invites. 

2. Fiscal advantages 

The financial advantages of having a Virtual Assistant is more or less evident. 

A regular assistant, hired on an annual or monthly basis is much more expensive that a virtual assistant. These devices once equipped, do not have to be dealt with further or do not require additional benefits. Thus, it can be effectively used by the masses. 

3. Controls Energy Expenditure

When an virtual home assistant is attached to electronic devices at home like the lights and the air conditioner, it can help you to keep a track of the usage and help you to automatically switch them on or off with a simple voice command. 

4. Useful for differently abled and elderly people

A digital home assistant is not only beneficial for a work environment but can help the seniors lead a smooth and stress free life by reducing work and stress involved in daily lives.

It is also a great aid for people who are visually impaired or suffer from leg injuries and are unable to navigate. 


Inspite of being one of the most smart devices built for the modern times, Virtual Assistants have disadvantages, these are: 

1. Privacy Concerns

These virtual assistants, although typically amazing to set the ball going, these are microphones attached in your homes. The voice retention quality of these products can be an issue. Thus it is best to turn it off for privacy. 

2. Language Barrier

Virtual Assistants are equipped to carry out commands in a few selected dialects which are sometimes not convenient for a person using it. So, it is difficult for the device to pick up on the command and carry it out properly.

3. Installation Expenditure

However cost effective it may be after installation, the process of equipping a household or an office with a device of this kind can be massive. Electronics and other things have to be ‘smart’ and have to be built differently so as to sync with a digital personal assistant.

It is safe to say that every device, whatever be it’s used have some advantages and disadvantages unique to itself. A Virtual Assistant is also a similar equipment. If an effort is made we can deal with the cons quite easily and effectively use it as an asset. 

Frequently Asked Questions

A Virtual Assistant is effective in both matters of efficiency and finance but one should always take charge while using such devices.