All of us are familiar with mobile networks and the latest which most of us using is 4g network. So what's 5g then? Is it better than 4g? What are its benefits? How does it affect us? Well there must be so many questions in everyone's mind. Let's clear them.
5g is the fifth generation of mobile networks, which can give new opportunities to people by bringing new strategies, also it will provide a better internet connection.
It will provide a better internet connection through wireless systems and greater bandwidth along with the use of antenna.
As technology is advancing day by day, and 5g network is coming into existence. As an emerging technology it can affect our lives in some ways provided below:
Just rather than downloading shows or movies in a blink of an eye, 5g is going to do much more. Emerging technologies like IoT, AI will change the world differently. And there will be a time when world will become a fully internet world.
The internet of things(IoT) will be able to connect a millions of device together through seamless wireless internet technology called 5g network, which gives an opportunity to share, collect various amount of data through power sensors. All of this sensor-collected data can be combined and analysed in the cloud, and then delivered back to farm staff as management support information in milliseconds.
AI machines making smart decisions will provide a platform to analyse the data into a total new form. 5g and AI shares a symbiotic relationship. It’s not just about what 5G can do to enable AI as part of our future digital infrastructure, but also what AI can do to help manage the 5G networks, with their increased complexity.
As 5g is still booming and emerging and not everyone is familiar with it. There might be some and bad aspects of using it. Let's pour some light on it.
Positive aspects:
Negative aspects: