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Understanding The Value Of Graphic Designing Lifestyle

Oct 17, 2020
Understanding The Value Of Graphic Designing Lifestyle

Graphic Designing is a tool that enhances the way you present to other people. It is a helpful aid in conveying your ideas in a beautiful and effective manner. In simple words, Graphic Design is a process of visual communication and problem-solving through the use of typography, photography, iconography and illustration. The value of Graphic Design is much heightened in today's world.

What Do Graphics Designer Do?

Graphics designer, also known as, Graphics Artists or Communication Designers aim to combine their artistic ideas and technology to communicate and present their ideas through image or printed pages presentation and layout of websites. They may use a range of design elements to achieve artistic or decorative effects.

The main objectives of Graphic Designers are:

Meeting with a client Graphic Designing is a tool that enhances the way you present to other people. It is a helpful aid in conveying your ideas in a beautiful and effective manner. In simple words, Graphic Design is a process of visual communication and problem-solving through the use of typography, photography, iconography and illustration.

Why Graphic Designing Is Important?

Here's the top 5 reasons why Graphic Designing is important for every business or other lifestyles:

  1. First Impression Matters: When a visitor interacts with a brand first, the capacity of its design proves its value and helps in making a positive lasting impression. That's the power of Graphic Design. The bright cheery colors and whimsical fonts encourages the visitors.
  2. Design Speaks Better Than Words: When it comes to presenting and spreading about one's business, the design always becomes a priority before words. A design always speaks louder, clearer and better than words. For example, Apple's logo, just a quarter eaten Apple has become a vision statement.
  3. Graphic Design Defines Your Own Identity: When it comes to the marketing point of view, Graphic Designing plays an important role. Graphic Designing also helps to establish a different identity among the competitors and making the design out of the crowd. For example, Adidas and Nike are two different companies but with the same product. But their logo and display reaches to their audience before their audience.
  4. People Love Graphics: Graphics hold a different place in education, business, communications and other walks of life. No business can survive without hiring a professional Graphics Designer. This is only because Graphic Designing is very essential pillar.
  5. A Key To Fabulous Creativity: With all design tools available, it has never been this easier to create a creative quality content. Creativity kills competition. To stay ahead in this race of competitors, you've got to get creative. Innovative designs empathize the audience and earns a point. What else needed?

Applications Of Graphic Designing:

Just a few uses of Graphic Designing includes:

  • Signage
  • Corporate Identity/ Branding
  • Packaging
  • Printed Materials
  • Online Arts(Banners, Blogs, Websites, etc.)
  • Album Covers
  • Film And Television Titles And Graphics
  • T-shirts And Clothing Designs
  • Greeting Cards
  • Designing In Digital World

Skills Required As A Graphic Designer:

Basic skills needed as a Graphic Designer are:

  • Analytical Skills: Must be able to perceive their work from customer's point of view.
  • Artistic Ability: Must be able to create designs that are artistically creative, appealing, interesting and pleasant to customers.
  • Communication Skills: Must be able to communicate with clients, customers and other designers efficiently.
  • Computer Skills: Must be able to use the Graphic Design software to prepare the designs
  • Time- Management Skills: Must be able to work simultaneously with multiple projects and manage time effectively.

Notable Graphics Designers:

While there are hundreds of Graphic Designers in the field, the following are notable designers that created work that defines the industry

  • Saul Bass
  • Paul Rand
  • Milton Glaser
  • Alan Fletcher
  • Herb Lubalin

Basic Glimpse Of Future Of Graphic Designing:

The future of Graphic Designing is most probably going to elevate to new heights by fusing it with augmented reality and 3D printing. All designers are planning to think about how the work will associate with three dimensions. Experience will take the stage and Artificial Intelligence will shape the future of design. In this way, Graphic Designing will continue the effective communication of ideas and will look more into the trends and ethics.

Thanks For Reading :D