Geeks Ocean

10 Signs Your Website Is Boring

Sep 20, 2020
10 Signs Your Website Is Boring

Your website is the only place where you as a brand, company or as a blog can share your content on the website. Setting up your own website that completely belongs to you and to your target or potential customers is not an easy task. You need to create a website from scratch to a beautiful we design page. The website is the place that has to be interactive as well as a medium for you to communicate with the clients and audience. In this virtual world people are or focusing on the kind of website they need to build the attention of the audience along with the products they offer or the content they are serving. You can have an optimum utilization of search engine optimization for ranking your website and be reachable to the audience. If you have really built a nice website then only google will rank you. There is website that often is boring and less attractive which is unable to grab the attention of the audience. You don’t even realize that your website is boring and wonder why there are less sales or nobody is coming to your website. 

Here are some quick and easy remedies of how you can fix this problem with identification of what is boring on your website. Have a look.

  • No Interaction Opportunity: If your website has no opportunity for interaction, it will just be like a brochure shown to the people with no conversation. Interactivity is an important feature that every website should have like offering comment section or review section on your website. There can also be voting sections along with filters which make the website more interactive and more people would like to come to your website and share their views. You can simply add some photo galleries or a link to anything you want to share can increase the interactivity.

  • Unclear Call To Action: Websites that lack clear call to action are not at all preferred by the audience. You may miss an opportunity to miss the connection with your visitor and your visitor would just be roaming on the webpage with no clicks. So, include some sort of call to action on your website that can make your website recognizable and a place that your visitors would like to spend some time. You can have descriptive texts and icons to guide the users. 

  • No Updation For Months: You website will be a boring place if your audience would see the same content for months. There is nothing boring than visiting a website that hasn’t been updated for months or for years. That is really a bad example of your business. It depicts that you don’t have anything to present or offer to the audience. So, always bring out spare time for updation so that the interactivity remains high with the audience. You can find a web host that can take care of the website and keeps updating the website about all the new things happening in your business. This way you can focus on other core stuffs and your webhost can do that for you.

  • Poor Graphics And Icons: It is one of the boring features of any bad website that they do not use graphics that are of high quality and icons which are not interactive and easily understandable. In the era of high quality HD images, if your website has the poor quality icons and images then it looks very boring that you have only collected pictures that are free for commercial use. If you have also stretched, fuzzy images on your website then immediately replace it with good high quality ones.

You can have free wordpress website templates to arrange graphics on them. WordPress theme business can lead you make your custom wordpress theme according to the need of your website. To make a good website you can also go to free wordpress website themes where you can build professional wordpress theme free of cost. Free wordpress website template is used by mostly everyone but you need to add your touch and customize it using custom wordpress theme option available. 

  • Does Not Reflect Current Brand Position: The website should always reflect your current brand position and not the one that you had built years ago. It should have use of colors, texts, images for your current brand image. Your website is the face of your business and you cannot spoil that by using the same old identity. Keep updating your logo, styles and build credibility with potential clients. It should not be different because you need to have trust of your potential client and what they have thought of you should not get different when they visit your website. 

  • Irrelevant Information: Almost half of the visitors need your contact information and more than 80% visits to see your product or service. So, if your contact information is not there or updated then you will miss out on your clients. So add necessary information which people look for and not the irrelevant ones. Google results are more dependent on name, address and phone number or email. Any error in them can make your chance less to be ranked on the search engine. Digital marketing is definitely important but search engine marketing depends on the relevant information you have in your website and seo optimization as well as online marketing strategies make you rank up on google. 

  • Cluttered Website: If your audience will not be able to find what they are looking for or if they face any difficulty in browsing, they would never come to your website. It is considered as the boring website when your customers cannot find space on the website. You website needs to be uncluttered and use soothing colors or colors and style matching your brand. This will make their mood calm and would spend more time on the website and may buy something for them. So, make the interface clean and highlight important things.

  • Bad Fonts: The typography is really important and looked first after any image on the website. The fonts that you have used should be understandable and not extra stylish or clumsy. It should be easily read on one go. There are so many good fonts available that could fit your website and unique to stand out. 

  • WordPress Theme Is Inadequate: The inadequate theme can have a bad impact on the visitors. A theme that cannot offer much in the way of customization then it can hurt branding. So, create attractive layouts from best WordPress themes. Responsive WordPress themes can make your website attractive as well as rank good on Google because of being mobile friendly. You can find many WordPress templates free on best wordpress websites. Professional WordPress themes make your website formal, beautiful wordpress themes can make it regular audience to visit your website. You can have best premium wordpress themes by taking subscriptions. 

  • Multitude Of Text: If your website has a long text without any breaks, it can put visitor to sleep and he would obviously avoid such long paragraphs without any image or break. It could strain the eyes of the reader and would be extremely hard to concentrate. Long text can be broken down to graphics or breaks between the texts. They maintain interest of the reader through multiple sections and visual breaks. 

In this online world, browsing habits are changing very quickly so you need to be updated with your website too. A poorly designed website can hamper your business. So, note down the things mentioned above and start working in the direction of appearance of your website.