Geeks Ocean


Nov 19, 2020
UFO and the mystery behind it.
UFO and the mystery behind it.

Conspiracy theorists has been stuck with this issue. UFO is an abbreviated form for unidentified flying object. This issue with this flying saucers has been going around for decades and here in this list, it is all about how the conspiracy all started.

AREA 51 - ...

Nov 17, 2020
Digital imaging is radiology
Digital imaging is radiology

Digital imaging in Healthcare is used widely from ultrasound to X-ray. It shows us the visual representation of the internal growth or organs. This technique helps to find any abnormalities and can differentiate between them.

Projectional Radiography

Nov 10, 2020
High Priced Animations And The Reason Behind.
High Priced Animations And The Reason Behind.

All of us have watched animated movie and some of us are still watching it. Even when adults are trying us not to watch them. This list is all about the expensive movies and the reason behind that budget.

• ...

Tanvi Mankapure
Tanvi Mankapure
Nov 06, 2020
Technical Experiments- is a human a guinea pig?
Technical Experiments- is a human a guinea pig?

Technology, this word has changed the world and the living life on earth. Remember the movie ‘Captain America’? The hero : Steve Rogers, was a ...

Chandrawati Bishwakarma
Chandrawati Bishwakarma
Oct 30, 2020
The World In 2050
The World In 2050

By 2050, our planet will be a vastly different place. By 2050, artificial intelligence will be everywhere AI-driven stores will allow you to purchase goods without cashiers or waiting lines. AI will diagnose and treat patients to manage transportation and analyze massive quantities of data. AI BOTS and voice ...

Oct 31, 2020
Engineers who pioneered India's race in space.
Engineers who pioneered India's race in space.

Engineers who pioneered India's race in space.

The Indian Space Research Organization aka ISRO rank 5th in worldwide space power. It was formed in 1969 and ever since been leading into betterment and development of it's Nation. This list has been made to give a ...

Shalini Sharma
Shalini Sharma
Oct 21, 2020
Future of Space Technology & 4G Network on The Moon
Future of Space Technology & 4G Network on The Moon

Hello! Tech-Geeks, I am sure, you cannot contain your excitement once I will tell you things like, soon we are going to be able to travel all around space, or NASA is going to erect a 4G mobile tower

Diksha Gupta
Diksha Gupta
Oct 21, 2020
How Space Technology Benefits The Earth?
How Space Technology Benefits The Earth?

With more business entrepreneur like Elon Musk investing in advancement of space technology and more countries focusing to build their own spacecrafts and state of the art launching system, your mind would be wondering and pondering over the benefits of space technology. Yes, space ...

Amit Rawat
Amit Rawat
Apr 26, 2020
See Image Captured by Hubble Telescope on your Birthday
See Image Captured by Hubble Telescope on your Birthday

Hubble Telescope was launched by American space agency NASA on April 24 ,1990 to introduce humanity to the new secrets of the universe, it was named after astronomer Edwin Hubble. It is the largest and most versatile telescope made by humans to explore the observable universe and ...

Aman Sharma
Aman Sharma
Mar 25, 2020
Worlds not gonna end next month.
Worlds not gonna end next month.

After Russia's earthquake then hantaVirus then CoronaVirus, which has left quite 4,000 people dead, people of this world are feared of a celestial object Hitting The Earth.

  • Despite its Badging as a possible hazard, asteroid 1998 OR2 poses little to ...