Geeks Ocean

Worlds not gonna end next month.

Mar 25, 2020
Worlds not gonna end next month.

After Russia's earthquake then hantaVirus then CoronaVirus, which has left quite 4,000 people dead, people of this world are feared of a celestial object Hitting The Earth.

  • Despite its Badging as a possible hazard, asteroid 1998 OR2 poses little to utterly no threat to our planet.However, NASA Is consistently monitoring the trajectory speed, and distance of this particular asteroid 52768 (1998 OR2) in conjunction with others. NASA discovered this asteroid in 1998, and since then it's observing its every movement. Every data about this asteroid is out there publicly on the net site of the Centre for Near Earth Object Studies ( CNEOS).

  • People of Social Media Started Believing That The Asteroid Will End Civilisation of living being . Such Stories Has Created quite Confusion and Sensation among the Readers.

The asteroid 1998 OR2, which might fly by us at 3:26 PM IST on April 29, is sort of hefty, and features a diameter of 4.1 kilometres (13,450 feet).

In comparison, the asteroid 2020 DP4, which was the foremost important of the four asteroids that flew past Earth within the wee hours of Monday, March 23, measured only 180 feet in diameter making the soon-to-approach 1998 OR2 nearly 74x the dimensions.