Geeks Ocean

Future of Space Technology & 4G Network on The Moon

Oct 21, 2020
Future of Space Technology & 4G Network on The Moon

Hello! Tech-Geeks, I am sure, you cannot contain your excitement once I will tell you things like, soon we are going to be able to travel all around space, or NASA is going to erect a 4G mobile tower on the Moon. Did you just jump off your couch? Before you do that, read the full article, because there's lots more about space technology. You'll come to grasp about a number of the newest space technologies and their potential for future opportunities. So, come let's get on my spaceship! :)

What is space technology?

Space technology refers to the technologies used in spaceflight, space exploration, satellites etc. These are developed by the aerospace industry, the space agencies and the companies working in space science. Eg, NASA, ISRO, TESLA, SPACEX, BLUE ORIGIN etc.

Humans in space

Space travel is something that will take space technology to another level, and there are many companies working on to make it possible. NASA is functioning with commercial companies to style and develop human landers which will deliver the primary woman and next man to the Moon in 2024, with the long-term goals of world lunar access and reusable landing systems.

Private companies like SpaceX and Blue Origin have also joined the race, to innovate space technology, by starting private space missions and pioneering space tourism. 

SpaceX has already announced space missions like MarsOne that plans to colonize Mars. Blue Origin, on the opposite hand, is testing reusable rockets that have the potential to create spacefaring cheaper.

4G on the Moon by 2022

Are you fed up with slow networks on the Earth? To our surprise, the Moon is going to have its first 4G mobile network which will provide very high speed network connection as there are no trees, buildings or other conflicting signals to interfere. A giant $14.1 million to be awarded to NOKIA by NASA for the same. It is estimated to function by 2022.

The network will be very helpful to astronauts during different space missions. In the near future, NASA is going to conduct another space mission named Artemis. So the 4G network will allow astronauts to use real-time navigation and even stream high definition video. They will be able to operate lunar rovers from anywhere on the moon. Nokia's Bell Labs — formerly operated by AT&T — are going to be building the network

Future of space technology and it's effects on human life

Space technology is growing exponentially and turning sci-fi dreams into reality. Space organizations are spending large amounts on various research and development programs dedicated to space exploration. With steady growth within the space exploration sector, the long run of space exploration is barely getting brighter. Some interesting potential uses of space technology include space tourism and space colonization in future. Additionally, astronomers are discovering new stars, planets, galaxies, and other celestial bodies to achieve a much better understanding of the creation of the universe. Space technology is being constantly used for locating life and resources on other planets. Various space technologies are also being used in weather prediction, climate monitoring, communication services, earth resources observation, positioning, navigation etc.

With new inventions and discovery of higher alternatives in space technology, existing technologies have gotten cheaper and more advanced. The improvements in space technology will facilitate an improved understanding of climate and faster broadband connections. Furthermore, the advent of space shuttles and rockets are changing the way we travel. Suborbital travel is also going to be possible in the future. Hyperloop can make point-to-point travel, possible. Imagine flying into space from wherever you are and landing in London within an hour more or less, this will be possible with hypersonic travel alternatives.

What are the potential requirements?

The advancements in space technology will revolutionize various industries. Space technology has also opened doors for many industries for eg. Manufacturing industry has incredible potential to grow because they will be required to manufacture the parts for space shuttles and rockets. Software companies have to hire professionals with niche and cross-functional professionals to develop software products and solutions for space exploration. Engineers and researchers must exploit computer science and machine learning to carry out space exploration in future.

Use of Spacecraft and rockets will post a need for a large amount of fuel for space missions. Hence, the energy sector must target developing renewable and alternative fuels for this purpose. Organizations can deploy big data analytics to grasp and predict trends in space technology or its impact on their field of business.

Bottom line

With the introduction of new companies, in the sector of space technology, space research and exploration is becoming more advanced and competitive and there are new surprising updates every while. I curated this article after a thorough research on space technology. Tell me if you liked it. Thanks for giving it your valuable minutes.