Geeks Ocean


Mehul Lokhande
Mehul Lokhande
Dec 05, 2020
Stock Market – a worthful asset?
Stock Market – a worthful asset?

In this 21st century everyone wants to be rich and successful. Now, there may be some arguing that, these are materialistic things and would never bring peace and happiness. But thinking practically, being rich makes oneself happy to some extent. Firstly, the person can buy things whatever ...

Oct 16, 2020
Everything You Should Know About Automation
Everything You Should Know About Automation

You might have heard about automation or industrial automation a few times here and there. Are you wondering what is it? And how it works. Let us check it out! What 😦 makes automation this much famous 😌

Oct 15, 2020

Are you looking for some suitable IT jobs? Then you are in the exact place. Amid this lockdown crisis, the IT sector is expanding its hegemon in almost all area. we can blindly say that our future will precisely hinge on the IT sector. Now we can list out some Job ...

Bhagya Menasagi
Bhagya Menasagi
Oct 11, 2020
What is Cryptocurrency and how it works?
What is Cryptocurrency and how it works?

Are you looking for the complete guide to Cryptocurrency? Here is everything you wish to understand about Cryptocurrency and it's working!

Cryptocurrency is an Internet-based medium for financial transactions. Cryptocurrency originated as a byproduct of other inventions by ...

Oct 11, 2020
The Crypt of Cryptocurrency
The Crypt of Cryptocurrency

The modern era has made money the most reputable and approachable materialistic thing across the globe. Everything that is around us has a monetary value for what everyone has a specific approach. Every ...

Oct 10, 2020
Blockchain to Save Data
Blockchain to Save Data

Throughout the advancement of technology, we humans always build ourselves on the pedestal of trust. The pillar of faith is what brings humanity to the epicenter of existence. Wherever we go, we always look forward to something we can trust. For instance, when we buy a product, we always ...

Geetika Anand
Geetika Anand
Sep 24, 2020
Best Ways To Earn Money Online
Best Ways To Earn Money Online

Everyone nowadays wants to earn money. There are various ways to earn money and people get paid for the work they do. Earlier people used to have to go to the office for earning money. But nowadays, times have changed and you get the opportunity to earn money ...

Vansh Malik
Vansh Malik
May 22, 2020
Pataal Lok inspired Cerberus banking virus.
Pataal Lok inspired Cerberus banking virus.

Yes! you heared it right!! .This Cerberus Android Banking Trojan is greatly inspired by the latest web series - Pataal Lok . Before knowing how it is inspired by the latest web series ,first of all you should know all about this trojan malware.

What is Cerberus ...