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Top 5 best Android Apps

Sep 28, 2020
Top 5 best Android Apps

Android is an operating system based on Linux, developed by Google, which is designed primarily for smartphones, computers and tablet. The introduction of android has made our lives and work quicker, easier, and better in a lot of ways in our tech world. It has changed the way Mobile phones and computers functioned, from a simple basic to an advance one by upgrading them to a new level and powering them by introducing many daily use apps that benefits its users immensely. Android offers free and most inexpensive apps compared to other operators and which they are a blessing to many. So here are some of the best and useful top 5 Android Apps.

  • GoogleAssistant/ Google Search

The most useful Google App you will come across in your android device is Google Assistant and Google Search. These apps are attached in every android device making it function efficiently. The Google search app is helpful in making Google searches easy and fast, while Google Assistant is useful in setting up reminders, to turning lights on and off over voice command, as well as playing songs and videos. These apps have been preferred by everyone over the past years since it enhances your smart devices upto a whole new level.

  • Google Translate

If you are someone constantly trying to translate words or sentences related to work or personal knowledge, Google Translate is an app that will ease all your translation related issues and inconveniences. This app makes understanding of any Language easy and saves time in translating work. Google Translate is a free app which can be accessed by everyone and it provides a wide range of languages globally ready for translation.

  • Microsoft Apps

Microsoft definitely has some of the most useful apps out there. Some of its best ones include Microsoft OneDrive (cloud storage), Microsoft Office Suite (word documents, spreadsheets, presentation), Microsoft Launcher and Microsoft Authentication (security). These are all the useful apps from Microsoft that should be in your Android devices, which will make your work quicker, easier and better. Microsoft Apps are free apps but it varies on the version of update you require.

  • 1Weather

1weather is the best weather app for Android users. It shows you the current weather and forecast of upto 12 weeks in a simple, paginated design with a radar so you can see when the storm is approaching. 1weather is a free app with ads, but for free ads it charges $1.99. However the app works great the same way.

  • Google Maps

Google Maps remains to be the best Android app and virtually owns the navigation apps scene. Aside from its basic uses, it suggests you best restaurants, shops and gas stations near or around you. Google Map is a free and the most accurate map app, compared to other navigation apps.