Geeks Ocean

Some Free Apps You Didn't Know You Needed

Sep 25, 2020
Some Free Apps You Didn't Know You Needed

With the advancement in technology, especially programming and web development, the world has evolved into a high tech version of itself. The progress made in the software and app development industry in the past 5 years is more than what we could even imagined 10 years backs. To demonstrate the point, Apollo 11 which helped man land on the moon for the first time, had a RAM running at 0.043MHz. Today average smartphones has a RAM, sturdier and faster. So, from the first landing on the moon to the photograph of a black hole mankind has come across a huge technical development that has not only affected the world at large but the every individual human being. 

Well, we might not be astronauts but we can still use technology to enhance our work ability through these productivity apps, you might never have guessed you needed.



As the lockdown has set over the world, work from home has become the new normal. It is not possible for people use an automated or regular attendance sheet, so why not try out Jibble? It uses real time facial and geographical recognition and time reporting app, getting things done and targets achieved. You can also access the attendance chart directly through the device you are using, online or offline. 


As a student or even a professional, we often need time management applications to help us stay on top of our game. Being active and agile, fulfilling targets and keeping homework in balance is the need of the hour. This app will help you to do the same with maximum smoothness, as you can. Just access the timer at the touch of your fingers, adjust or edit activities throughout and check up on the achievements at the end of the day by viewing the ‘history and statistics’ tab. This app delivers exacts what it’s name suggests –a superior time logger that has your back all day, everyday. 

Productive – Habit Tracker

It is well known that practicing something for over a month can help you permanently recruit it to a daily compulsory activity, more precisely, a habit. This app helps you do exactly that. It can help you break away from bad habits and make a fresh and new start. Being a free and easily accessible, it is the best productivity app that can be found out there. 

Google Indic Keyboard 

If you are in India or even a non resident Indian, typing on a word document, chatting through WhatsApp, Messenger, or even regular Messaging apps, you must have hit that dead end where you need to use an Indian dialect and the auto correct bars the use of the words and phrases required. It is also not possible to type out an Indian language through these apps. With the Google Indic Keyboard these problems are solved and you can type out over more than 20 Indian languages with minimum hassle and maximum outcome.

AndroMoney (Expense Track)

Expenditure and savings is often one of the most tedious factors we have to balance as an adult. With the several needs on the bracket, money seems to slip away from hand before half the month is over. AndroMoney intervenes at this point. It will act as your personal finance tool to make you more efficient. It fairly easy to use as you can arrange and rearrange categories, plus you can help upload it to your Dropbox or Google  

My Wardrobe – Organize your Clothes 

Now you must be wonering what this app is doing in here. It is undeniable that we lose at least an hour of our waking day trying to figure out how to dress or what to wear at any time of the day. It will help you manage time as you can take snap shots of all the clothing items you own and mix and match to make a new outfit. Thus you spend much less time on appearance and more time improving upon yourself, thus making it no less than a productivity app.


This is a time tracking extension for the browsers that helps you in time tracking and real time entries. With a synchronised working set up you can work more efficiently. 

Apps can only do so far , in the end what we need is an insurmountable desire to be better ourselves, and keep ourselves in the in check and be a more evolved hum beings ourselves.