PWA is already the future of web (native) apps ?

4 years ago
Progressive Web App (PWA), a game-changing technology that represents the next evolution in mobile-driven commerce. It is one of the most talked about technology shifts in the web and has gained unparalleled momentum among the practitioners in the IT world. 
Let’s take the example of Telegram Or Instagram on your phone. When there is no network, you can still open the app, check past messages and even reply to someone. When the phone gets the internet connection, the messages are being automatically sent in the background.
This is what PWA promises to provide in web apps. It enables web apps to load when there is no network, sync in the background and seamlessly do things while providing a native-like experience for your users.

Benefits of PWA -

  1. Installable - Best feature of PWA's are no installation is required for this.PWA's are primarily websites and are accessed on browsers only. That being said, it avoids the lengthy process of installations.
  2. Fast - With this feature, PWA makes speedy responses possible by storing the repetitive elements and then later when required, can inject them into the browser.PWA's are incredibly reliable when it comes to their speed. Service workers, Java Scripts that run separately from the main web thread, enable your PWA to load nearly instantly, no matter how poor the connection.
  3. Security - Because more websites are being programmed in HTTPS, it’s easier to launch a PWA in a secure environment. Customers will have peace of mind when they enter credit card information or personal information into your PWA via a secure connection.
  4. App Like Experience - Coolest thing about PWA is that it doesn’t look like a usual web page that is opened inside a browser window. Indeed, it works and looks much similar to the native app, thus, making it truly compelling. 
  5. Compatibility - PWA's can be accessed on any browser including Google Chrome, UC Browser, Opera Mini, Mozilla Firefox, etc. The app should fit in all the different sizes of devices. The perfect web app should be like liquid, which takes the shape of its vessel.

PWAs are unlike native apps, but they are a combined approach of developing a platform that operates as an application as well as a website. They are not downloaded from a play store. However, they are easy to use and prompt, just like native apps. 


Hence we came to a conclusion that native apps aren't yet defeated by PWA's and aren't going out of the market in near future.However, we believe we’ll see a great movement in PWA development as media sources, ecommerce sites, and restaurants look to captivate more audience members and get the maximum return on their investment. PWA is under progress, be a part of it.