Impacts Of Technology On Jobs

4 years ago

Technology is a useful servant but dangerous master. ~ Christian Lous Lange

What do you mean by technology? Let's have a look..

TECHNOLOGY is the branch which deals with the skills, techniques, machinery and applied sciences created artificially by humans.

Technology has out done our lives completely. Today, our live revolves around technology which has made our life easier in some way. It has started replacing manual work through machines.

The artificial intelligence is slowly replacing humans to machine for e.g.. Cloth crafting which used to be done through a huge amount of laborers with a long duration of time have now been replaced to machines with a less amount of time. However, technology has the highest impact on our jobs. Specifically the technologies which came into existence in the late 90's and in 21st century have completely changed the lifestyle.

How technology is impacting the job sector? 

As we all know internet, mobile phones, television, electricity, electronic gadgets all these basic requirements are based on technology which simply shows that it has a great impact on job which includes electrician, scientists, engineers, and many more, giving millions of people a source to earn livelihood. But according to a well known proverb, "EVERY COIN HAS IT'S TWO SIDES". Technology also has some positive and negative impacts on the jobs.

Let's learn some positive and negative aspects of using it. 

Positive impact on jobs: 

Since many years technology came into existence it has explored many fields, new gadgets and scientific fields. It has increased the efficiency, rate of production, and also lowered the time duration in comparison to the manual work. 

Following are some points highlights the good key factors - 

  • Innovation - Today we have innovations or creativity in everything we do be it cloth's designs, house designs, interiors, jewellery etc. which have become possible only through machines because it is difficult to perform the same work through hands and time consuming which has given a way to new empowering sectors like fashion designer, interior designer, hair dresser, etc.

Technical jobs - The world is living around technology hence it is the need of an hour to have skilled youths for several technical works like electrician, scientists, technicians in hospitals, schools, government organizations etc. It has also created a way for jobs in IT sector mainly through computers and laptops. IT sector itself is a field which hires people in treating the problems basically a doctor of machines or codes with whatever field they are related to.

  • Large scale jobs - It has a potential to spread the jobs at a large scale through technologies like television, radio, internet etc. which enables a lot of people to earn their livelihood through their unique skills. 

Negative impacts on jobs:

Since the emergence of technology many people have started facing some problems which includes losing their jobs, health issues, mental issues, which were less when the technology had not spread too much.

Following are some key points highlights the negativity technology has on jobs - 

  • Losing jobs- As machines are replacing humans in almost every sector, there can be a time when human labour will not be much needed. Many fields like crafting, weaving, even teaching, games all have been easily replaced by the AI slowly which has started snatching livelihood of people.
  • Health issues- Due to the incomplete knowledge of machines or the techie gadgets many people looses their lives or sometimes working in the factory they looses their body parts. For e.g.. In a bomb making factory it is hazardous for the worker to work but in order to earn livelihood they are forced to work which sometimes caused them their life. 
  • AI replacement- By the drastic arousal of AI into our lives it is becoming a threat to many big-wigs techie jobs and semi-tech jobs as there are many chances they may change our life into an alternative way. 


“Technology is best when it brings people together.” - Matt Mullenweg, but it becomes worse when it starts affecting us in a wrong way. Be-aware and handle it with care. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes it is giving a good impact on jobs but only till it is used safely