Geeks Ocean

Impact of Virtual Assistants in daily life

Oct 12, 2020
Impact of Virtual Assistants in daily life


Suppose you somehow get the ability to travel back in time and you decide to go to 1930s or 40s and There you told someone that one day palm size machines will assist your daily life and They will answer all of your queries and they will do so in just a fraction of second. Your statement might be treated as a joke back then but the reality is Today, we have developed such palm size virtual assistants for us which have almost unlimited possibilities and by the help of those possibilities an impact has been created not only in our surroundings but in our lives too.

Today we're are going to know about the meaning and origin of virtual assistants, the impacts of virtual assistants in daily life, how they are changing the day to day observations at personal levels, what are the impacts of Virtual assistants on social interactions, how voice assistants changing our lifes and we are also going to know about a manifestation of virtual assistants.


The term virtual assistant commonly known as (VA) was first originated in early 90s. The term was given in regards to the virtual abilities of improving technologies of that time. Back then there was nothing like a cloud or remote database for storing information so early stages of virtual assistants was more like shouting the basic commands into the microphone which used to take almost couple of hours to process into the local database and this database wasn't used to be enormous in size in terms of bytes.

Modern day virtual assistants are pretty much easy to understand from a user's perspective if compared to those of early 90s technologies.

In simple words, modern day virtual assistant can be defined as an application software which takes the command from the user in form of voice and understand it through predefined algorithms and search for the query, process it and converts the result into user understandable form (i.e. voice).


Virtual assistants have became a necessity in daily life. Without virtual assistants, organizing and managing the day to day life's objectives can become tough and time consuming. Virtual assistants not only help in maintaining the daily tasks like scheduling meetings, organizing calendars, reminding specific date or event, answering phone calls in absence, replying to emails, checking shopping lists, making text notes, administrating business supports, adding preferences, ranking priorities, looking after our health concerns such as calories/blood pressure/ECG etc, informing about the weather conditions, booking flight/train/bus tickets, searching addresses, making appointments by the help of voice interaction with the virtual assistants but also it helps in developing artificial intelligence and understanding user's behaviour which is further use in enhancing user's experience and interaction with virtual assistants.


A human being has always been exposed to social interaction since the beginning of human evolution, Social and communal interaction on the basis of beliefs, interests and opinions have always been the core foundation of interaction. But, how do we cooperate with interaction partners that are not human, such as artificial intelligence devices?

To solve that problem virtual assistants have been developed in a way such that interaction which are carried out by human beings with them is solely centered around point to point conversations. This reduces the cognitive human to human interaction barrier from human to VA interaction.


Most likely according to the previous trends in digital assistance and artificial intelligence it has been observed that user interactions via chat box and voice assistance has seen a drastic improvement. The upgradation in user interaction with AI would surely be one of the next step in increasing the productivity via VA.