Geeks Ocean

How to download packet tracer

Aug 28, 2020
How to download packet tracer

Packet tracer is a stimulation software designed by Cisco. This platform reduces the cost of setting-up of workshop and uses virtual networking devices instead. Packet Tracer was earlier restricted only to the students who were enrolled in any of the courses by Cisco but the recent changes in its policies Cisco has allowed everyone to download and use this virtual networking stimulation software. Tracer is available for Windows, Mac, Android and iOS devices, every update gets better as it comes with the latest devices and better virtual labs. It is advised to use the latest version of packet tracer. Here are few useful links to download Packet Tracer for your device.

Latest Version: Packet Tracer 7.3.1

Earlier Version: Packet Tracer 7.3.0

Torrent Download link:

Android Version:

iOS Version:

Use the above download links to directly download the packet tracer, unlike Cisco official website, which requires you to sign-in prior download. Also, Cisco official website only offers the latest version of packet tracer; if you wish to download the older versions, say, in case you wish to use a feature which the latest version has discontinued.

Packet tracer works on simplified IOS. In case some commands do not work on packet tracer but have significance in real world devices then, its due to the simplified IOS, it works only on limited set of useful commands. You can use some the more advanced simulator software such GNS3 to use all commands as the real world devices.

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