Coronavirus [Complete Guide] | Preventive Measures

4 years ago


Covid-19 is an outbreak of disease that started from Wuhan, one of the central city of China. This is a new type of Corona-virus that has not been previously identified in humans. Corona-viruses are a large family of viruses known to cause illness ranging from common cold to more severe diseases such as the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS).


Common signs are related to Respiratory System such as-



3-Shortness of breath

4-Breathing difficulty

NOTE- Don't worry about these symptoms, these may not 100% confirm the presence of Corona-virus.


1-Don't touch your mouth,eyes and nose repeatedly (again and again).

2-Wash your hand on every 30 minutes interval.

3-Try not to touch anything (if not required).

4-Keep safest distance (minimum 3 feet) from other persons.

5-Live in isolation (at home), if you feel sick.

6-Use your elbow while coughing.

7-Use sanitizers (Alchohol above 70%).

8-Take hot shower and drink hot water.


Although there is no specific treatment for this virus, so save yourself as much as possible because "Prevention is better than cure".

To prevent from this disease make your immune system more stronger than before.


1-Do Exercise

To improve immune system, please do exercise for atleast 30 minutes. Such as Walking, Running, Pranayama, Anulom-vilom, Lunges e

2-Don't Smoke

"Smoking is injurious to health" , Covid-19 affects the respiratory system so it may cause difficulty in breathing and short breaths.

3-Consume Healthy Diet

Healthy diet is the best way to defeat any virus. Your diet must contain good amounts of Vitamins, (macro nutrients) such as Protein, Carbohydrate and Fats. 

Vitamin C - It is the biggest immune system booster, due to lack of vitamin C , you may get sick again and again.

Source - Lemon, Orange, Grapes, Papaya, Capsicums etc.

Vitamin B6 - It supports the biochemical reactions in the immune system.

Source - Soya beans, Peanuts, Milk, Eggs, Oats etc.

Vitamin E - It is an anti-oxidant that helps the body to fight off infection.

Source - Almonds, Hazelnuts, Corn, Soyabean oil, Peanuts etc.


Ingredient - Ginger (Adrak) - 2 inch

           Cinnamons (Dal-chini) - 2 inch

           Cloves (Laung) - 10

           Black pepper (Kali mirch) - 10

           Bessil leaves (Tulsi) - 2

Prepration - Take a glass (250ml) water and boil it with all above ingredients, after boiling strain (filter) it. Consume this boiled drink at least twice a day.

Note - This drink will make your immune system stronge.


Covid-19 is a disease of corona-virus , which is new in humans so scientists are facing difficulty while finding the anti-dot of this disease. So prevention is the prime factor protect yourself and your family with this virus.If you feel any symptoms as mentioned above then immediatly contact with your doctor, "Stay healthy and Stay fit".