Geeks Ocean

Artificial Intelligence and machine learning

Aug 28, 2020
Artificial Intelligence  and  machine learning

We are living in the era of technology, where everything is available just within a simple click.We have been addicted to it that we even don't notice.It is seeping into our lives in all sort of ways and we are just trying to get better and better at it.

Technological advances have become an integral part of our lives,and hence Google, Facebook, Apple, Microsoft are all moving ahead at a great speed in improving their technologies with the help of artificial intelligence and deep learning. software is going to solve that where It'll look at the new information and present to you knowing about your interest.Artificial intelligence is a broad branch of computer science, which enables human capabilities to be undertaken by software effectively and efficiently.


Artificial intelligence is the term first coined by John MCcarthy in 1956. He defined AI as the science and engineering of making intelligent machines.The goal of artificial intelligence is to create system that can function intelligently and independently. So in layman's language, "AI is basically a technique of getting machine to work and behave like humans."


It doesn't exists in theory only but it has practical applications also-

1.Google predictive search engine - by using it google attempts to guess what you might be trying to find .as,when one being typing a search term and google make recommendations for them to chose from this is artificial intelligence in it is based on the data that google collect about an individual.

2.Facebook is also making the use of artificial intelligence in order to detect facial features and tag your friends automatically. So, knowingly unknowingly we use AI very regularly in our life. Not only Facebook but other social media platform such as Twitter, Instagram heavily rely on the AI.

3.Another popular example of twitter AI which is being used to identify any sort of hate speeches and terroristic languages in tweets,it make use of machine learning in order to filter out any offensive or reportable content.

4.Self driving cars are again an famous application of artificial intelligence .It implements computer vision,deep learning in order to built car that can automatically detect any object or obstacles.


AI is divided into three evolutionary stages-

1.The very first one is artificial narrow intelligence also known as weak AI involves applying AI only to specific task .

2. Followed by artificial general intelligence also known as strong AI, involves machines that possess that ability to perform any intellectual task that a human being can.

3. And followed by artificial super intelligence is a term referring to the time when the capability of computers will surpass humans.

currently, we have weak AI , but it is predicted by many researchers that we will be using strong AI till 2040.


Machine learning is the most important aspect of AI .The difference between machine learning and AI is machine learning is used in AI.

machine learning is term first coined by Arthur Samuel in 1959. it is a method through which you can feed a lot of data to a machine and make it learn. So it can be defined as-

"a computer program is said to learn from experience E with respect to some class of tasks T and performance measure P if its performance at tasks in T as measured by P improves with experience E."


  1. It helps increase in data generation and ensure the availability of data for best use.
  2. It improve decision making of an organisation.
  3. It uncover patterns and trends in data.
  4. It can solve complex problems just within few moments.

It is not a today's thought of making machines as smart as human but the process is gradual and it would still take time. AI is definitely the future of the world and it will drive the economy of tomorrow.