If you are obsessed with wallpapers, the list gives all the information about it. For everyone wallpaper seems like their representing their own style. So all the websites here provide your favorites content.
1. Pinterest
Pinterest carters all the ranges from flowers to skyline. Cartoon shows to bibliophile related wallpaper. This online community here shows has range over what kind of wallpapers you want.
2. Tumblr
Tumblr is my favourite platform to use for getting very weird range of wallpapers and the content is also pretty much stunning like Pinterest.
3. Instagram
This photo sharing community is one of the best ways to get your own ideas for creating wallpapers and creating an aesthetic look for it.
4. Unsplash
This website shares all the pictures in HD format. This is a newer website to discover and it also allows people to share their photos.
5. Pexels
This website shares for both laptops as well as phone wallpapers. This also stunning images present in their website. This website also has a a very well image quality.
If you have any more websites to share please let us know.