Tech Job Trends in 2020

4 years ago

With the technological advancement in the last 10 years, the criterion for hiring and job market has altered drastically and seem to be ever evolving. This headway and progress in the professional fields also ensure the gradual but steady emergence of new industries and start ups that will start coming up with multiple job opportunities in several fields, especially in the tech industry. 

However, the tendencies and trends of the jobs seem to be growing and changing annually, depending upon the patterns of demands of the larger population at hand. It is only secure to say that potential employees and students graduating must keep an eye on the situation so that they can work accordingly. 5 popular tech job trends in the year 2020 are – 

1. Multiple Accomplishments 

It is quite well known that people who are talented and creative in their own fields are always preferred for hiring. The year is however more favorable for people who associate with more than one skills and can perform equally well in every undertaking they are involved in.

For example, if you are a web designer who has some knowledge of animation, the chances of getting hired is definitely higher. 

2. Experience 

It is well known that experience speaks clearer than any other language in workplace. Although opportunities are available to one and all, it is quite evident that the more experienced candidates are being picked out. However, fresh faces are also being selected in more contractual proportions.

3. Working From Home 

The pandemic situation has locked up most of us in our homes, commuting to and from the workplace is a hassle and in most cases a little daunting. Thus from now on work from home may become the new normal. Remote working has probably turned into a life style for some employees and it is safe to say that the trend is here to stay. 

4. Social Recruiting

This is another happening term that is taking precedence over the life of people. Social media hiring , simply called social hiring is the art of recruiting young minds through social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or LinkedIn and other websites, seems to be a hot trend in the tech industry. This taps out the candidates who would otherwise be unknown and puts them forward on the job market. The algorithms and methods of content of the age also make sure that these opportunities reach the potential candidates. So, don’t forget to keep your eyes open while aimlessly scrolling through your media handles.

5. Job Satisfaction

It is safe to say that with the changing time the people are also looking for a more wholesome employment rather than a grilling proposition with a higher payment. For these candidates monitor funds do not seem to be the ultimatum. Hence, companies are looking towards providing more inclusive services like opportunities for working remotely, personal loans and insurances which will assure that the individual will be more comfortable with the situation. 

More contractual jobs are also cropping up which help the companies be in sync with their expenses while working with a dependable and confident team. Full time employment will be depleting with the coming time. 

Some Jobs that may be In Vogue

• Robotics Engineer 

Software development for and development and study of different machines are in peak at the moment. Both virtual and physical robots are booming.

• Python Developer 

 For creating back end components and connecting the apps to other web services. 

• JavaScript Development 

They are hired for developing front end systems that is involved in web designing and development. 

• Digital Marketing Specialist

Digital marketing and social media marketing is becoming one of the most solid backbone for industries, individuals in this field work across a number of platforms including Search Engine Optimisation or SEO.

• Cyber Security Specialists 

These are the individuals who keep databases secure from unethical practices like phishing, hacking, malware and even from virus attacks.

It is high time that job seekers fruitfully tally their talents with the market situation and keep an eye on the hiring trends. It is important for one and all to realize their own worth so that they are recognized at the right moment. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Data Scientists, Information Security analysts, Hardware and Software Engineers, Java Developers, IT Managers, Web Developers, the choices are endless.