Latest advancements in Artificial Intelligence

4 years ago

Everyday a large portion of population is at the mercy of a rising technology, yet few actually understand what it is Artificial Intelligence. You know HAL 9000 and Marvin the Paranoid Android? Each generation has formed it's own fantasy of a world ruled or atleast served by robots. We have been conditioned to expect flying cars that steer clear of traffic and robotic maids whipping up our weekday dinner. But if the age of AI is here, why don't our lives look more like Jetson's? Well, for starters, that's a cartoon. Really, if you have ever browsed Netflix movies suggestions or told Alexa to order pizza , you are probably interacting with Artificial Intelligence more than you realize.

What is Artificial Intelligence?

In basic terms, AI is broad area of computer science that makes machine seem like they have human Intelligence. So, it's not only programming a computer to drive a car by obeying traffic signals, but it's when that program also learns to exhibit signs of human-like road range.

AI is " Revolution of innovations ".

Top 5 latest advancements in Artificial Intelligence

➡ Deepfake

➡ Gamification of memories

➡ AI in healthcare

➡ Banking solutions with AI

➡ Chatbots

Lets brief them out-

➡ Deepfake

Deepfake is one of the most popular application of Deep Learning. Deepfake has the most magical application that can make a human fool. It is synthetic media in which a person in an existing video or image is replaced with someone else's likeness.

➡ Gamification of memories

Gamification is a process that can help new skills move from conscious recall into the subconscious. Gamified training is proving to be outstanding at engaging learners and providing a return on investments. It lets learners experience real world applications.

➡ AI in healthcare

AI to emulate human perception in the analysis, interpretation, and comprehension of complicated medical and healthcare data. AI simplifies lives of patients, doctors by performing tasks that are done by humans in less time.

➡ Banking solutions with AI

AI has power to predict future scenarios by analyzing past behaviours, AI helps banks predict future outcomes and trends. This helps banks to identify fraud, detect anti-money laundering pattern and make customer recommendations.

➡ Chatbots

Chatbot with AI powers makes your bot capable and intelligent to answer complex queries. Chatbot learns from every conversation it has with the customers. It goes through the previous interaction to improve the current response. This activity helps to improve the efficiency of bot response

Current most advanced technologies in AI includes language generation, speech recognition, virtual agents, smart cars, and the list goes on. These are all called as innovations in AI. During the past few years minute a couple of factors have led to AI becoming the next "big thing". Huge amount of data are being created every minute. Very soon, AI will become a little less artificial and a lot more intelligent.

Frequently Asked Questions

People will always be faster to adjust than computers.

Risk of unemployment, high cost of implementation, lacks creativity, no replicating humans.