Computer- Based Development in the Education System

4 years ago

In this generation, technology has led the world towards immense growth and made our day-to-day work easier. The most important resource for the development of our world is the human resource. The generation of the most powerful human resource in our world can only be accomplished by offering the best possible education. Technology is leading to the growth of the education system and facilitating learning in educational institutions. Computers are making education easier and interesting for the students as well as teachers. It helps in interactive learning. Imagining a life without a computer is quite impossible for many of us. The use of computers has developed the habit to access data easily and provide knowledge through the teaching process. Let's discuss in-depth


  • The computer provides speed, accuracy, diligence, adaptability, reliability, and versatility for completing the task. It is the backbone of information technology and works from the input of millions of instructions without committing any mistakes. It can store huge data and can work in any environment.
  • Teachers can use computers in schools and universities for clearing doubts of the students, providing information and resources, and for teaching the different functions of computers.
  • computers are required in every field of career. It creates job opportunities and teaches students the functions to be performed in a certain job. Career-oriented work in a computer includes Powerpoint presentations, database management, website designing, etc.
  • Students learn technology skills through the access of computers and it becomes interesting while learning as it uses different software and graphics for teaching.
  • Students at a young age learn typing skills which can help for generating reports and even for operating the computer for giving instructions.
  • It provides online access. Students can learn through online mode or online classes without visiting the institution. It increases the scope of learning in a wide range through the internet.
  • It makes students able to learn computers at a young age and so after becoming an adult, they are not afraid to use it.


  • Students and teachers may face technical problems while using computers. Some of the technical problems are quite complicated and can be only understood by a computer professional. Schools have to appoint professionals for such circumstances which may cost more expenses.
  • While using computers, students rely mostly on functions like spelling correctors. But it causes difficulties with the spellings and grammatical mistakes during writing using pen and paper.
  • While using computers for educational purposes, cheating can be done easily which may affect the capability of learning and acquiring knowledge of the students.
  • Low-income schools and colleges may suffer from acquiring computers for the students and utilizing them for educational purposes. Financial problems create a limitation for small institutions to set up a technological environment.

Current Scenario

  • Due to Covid-19, 70% of the educational institutions are providing online classes to the students. In this case, computers and other technical devices played an important role in getting access to online classes without any loss of studies.
  • Online exams are conducting during this pandemic avoiding any source of physical contact.
  • Part-time jobs and internships are acquired through online mode by the students and are helping them for gaining a practical working environment.
  • The education system of our country is making efforts for converting the pattern of education from only learning to skill acquiring, focusing on developing skills. This will lead to the creation of more career opportunities using computers and technology-based.
  • During the lockdown, the opportunity for learning new skills through online courses jumped up and influenced students for focusing on setting careers with respect to their interests along with the studies.
  • Computers are replacing the traditional method of education with E-tutors and they don't have to rely only on their online classes provided by their school or college teachers.
  • Enough time is there for students, as they don't have to visit their classroom, for learning various other skills for their personality development.

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