3 years ago

In the era of clicking and uploading every 24th hour, filters and modifiers play a very vital role. Everybody is in the rat race of coming up with the unparalleled, one of a kind, appealing picture that takes the world in awe. When it comes to editing, Adobe Photoshop is the reigning monarch of all the editing apps and is widely used by both, professionals and amateurs. Adobe released its latest version of Photoshop, 2.0.0 with a bang! Enthralled by its crazy new tech and the use of artificial intelligence, the public has already been sold. It’s time to explore each of these TOP 10 FEATURES one by one.


Heard by all, seen by all but used by a few, that’s right we are talking about the sky replacement feature in Adobe Photoshop using which a person can easily modify the sky of any picture to grasp the attention of the viewer. This feature enhances the beauty of the picture to the next level. Adobe uses artificial intelligence machine learning technology to find the skies in the image and automatically select them and replace them with the sky of your choice. It comprises of many presets which you can easily use along with an option to upload your own.


It is a neural filter which again is an application of artificial intelligence. Under this filter, you can make changes in the skin texture by moving the bar of blur and you can control the overall smoothness of the picture by moving the smoothness bar. It gives a flawless finish to the picture.


This is the coolest feature of Photoshop 2.0.0 where you can actually bring your photo to life by changing the angle of your picture. It gives freedom to the user to entirely change the mood of the face in the picture. The user can control the expressions like happiness, surprise, and anger. This exceptional feature can help you change the gaze, facial angle, hair thickness, light direction, and a lot more. The cherry on the cake is its revolutionary feature head direction feature allows the user to change the direction of the head in the picture. This feature is only accessible to cloud uses.


This is another insanely amazing neural filter which colorizes a black and white picture most beautifully. AI has been exploited to its fullest by Adobe especially when it comes to using this colorize feature. The sensor automatically fills the color to the landscape keeping in mind its previous knowledge on the color of the sky, sun, mountains, rocks, etc. and you can customize it according to your will.


This feature is greatly useful for designers who want to create patterns or textures. The pattern preview give gives a real-time infinite preview of the pattern that you’re creating, thus allows you to create seamless and amazing patterns. On enabling pattern preview, you can see the preview of what your design will look like as a pattern. No matter how much you zoom out, you will continue to see the pattern. With the help of this, creating seamless or continuous patterns has become so effortless.


The help option on Photoshop takes you to quick actions where fundamental edit options like remove background, blur the background which is just a simple feature for beginners, This feature is a bit raw since it does not give a perfect finish to the picture albeit its quite useful for amateurs to begin with.


It takes quite a lot of time using the pen tool, quick selection tool, or object selection tool in making the selection of the subject to get into select and mask to work on the hair, in spite of that, a little string of hair is always left behind. Usually one uses the refine edge brush tool to gradually paint around the hair, then it does a pretty good job. To make all that easy, Adobe has added the refine hair feature where with just single click and it will automatically do all the tasks discussed above which makes it really efficient.


This feature of Adobe is really helpful when it comes to to dealing with similar pictures. Here you can save the entire editing parameters of the picture as a pre-set say the smart radius, edge direction, global refinements etc. So that whenever the same object is seen in any picture, the pre-set will be enabled and the object will automatically get filtered in according to previously set parameters.


Adobe has its own variety of plugins in its market place and therefore this version gives a brand new plugins menu bar where you can either use your downloaded plugins or browse and creative cloud desktop applications will show up and from there you can install ant plugin you wish like Watermark 3, PixelSquid, Arranger for PC, Picture Instruments Toolbox etc.


This feature is also under neural filter inside beta. It adds haze based on the depth in the image. You can make warmer or cooler after increasing the haze. It gives lot more haze to the background objects and lot less haze to the objects in the front. So, it creates a depth map of the landscape and then adds the haze. Therefore, it is a complete package of depth and haze in just one click.

Thank you for reading this article. Happy Reading!!